This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Wed May 29 2024 02:48:40 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
269937 platform Window S tzezula NEW --- AssertionError at org.openide.awt.HtmlRendererImpl.reset 2017-02-27
259052 projects Generic tzezula NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-06-24
262523 projects Ant tzezula NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2018-04-22
271328 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- AssertionError at org.netbeans.modules.maven.api.PluginPropertyUtils.createEvaluator 2017-08-19
271623 projects Ant tstupka NEW --- AssertionError at 2017-10-12
270585 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- AssertionError: NodeOp.createPath() returned empty path for node org.openide.nodes.FilterNode[name=null][Name=Templates, displayName=Templates] with root node org.openide.nodes.FilterNode[name=null][N 2017-05-08
269366 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- AssertionError: Owner project for file:C:\Users\barboni\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ICS\ICS_site\site\src\site\apt\softwares\hamsters\download.apt@9012005c:6048f6a9 prj:Maven[C:\Users\barboni\Documents 2016-12-16
267932 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- AssertionError: project opened twice in a row, issue #236211 for C:\Sun\javaee7tutorialExamples2\examples\pom.xml 2016-09-07
248090 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- AssertionError: Should not be listening to /home/ondra/NetBeansProjects/HTML5Application/public_html 2018-03-14
269367 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- ClassCastException: Instance of class org.netbeans.modules.maven.nodes.JarIcons unassignable to interface org.netbeans.modules.maven.spi.nodes.SpecialIcon 2016-12-16
269596 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: org.netbeans.modules.profiler.nbimpl.project.AbstractAntProjectSupportProvider 2017-01-19
269091 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org.openide.nodes.Node.fireIconChange()V from class$PackageNode$$Lambda$239/1766662457 2016-11-23
238566 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- IllegalArgumentException at java.nio.Buffer.position 2017-02-21
252593 projects Ant tstupka NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Already a org.netbeans.modules.python.project2.PythonProject2 in /Users/stefano/Code/MoB/nidar-MoB@cf24fd70:154770f7 2018-01-22
250259 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Already listening to D:\dev\ide\cache-8.1-20150129-javase\nodejs new listener : org.netbeans.modules.javascript.nodejs.platform.NodeJsSupport$NodeSourcesListener@13c3fac0 h 2016-11-16
250255 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Attempt to remove nonexistent path [D:\dev\sources\lgi\modularization\src;D:\dev\sources\lgi\modularization\www] from list of registered paths [[D:\dev\sources\lgi\modulariza 2015-02-23
270773 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: debug.fix 2017-05-30
271715 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Key contains code point U+0000 2018-03-29
267910 projects Ant tstupka NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical 2016-09-07
267340 projects Ant tstupka NEW --- IllegalStateException: Attempt to call ProjectManager.findProject within the body of ProjectFactory.loadProject (hint: try using ProjectManager.mutex().postWriteRequest(...) within the body of your Pr 2018-02-19
270171 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- IllegalStateException: Node has been removed. 2017-03-22
271486 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- IllegalStateException: Node has been removed. 2017-09-15
251724 apisuppo Maven tstupka NEW --- IllegalStateException: Too many org.netbeans.modules.maven.apisupport.ImportantFilesNodeFactory$ImportantFilesNode (1) in shared RequestProcessor; create your own 2015-04-08
271042 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location 2017-07-05
250983 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- input contained no data 2018-05-04
270369 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- C:\Android\androidsdk\tools\lib\build.template (The system cannot find the file specified) 2017-10-29
207155 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- LowPerformance took 79404 ms - ProjectFileEncodingQueryImplementation.getEncoding() creates a Project instance. 2016-03-09
270081 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- Make XmlPullParserException more verbose 2017-03-16
256841 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- Maven-Index: There is not enough space on the disk 2017-01-10
270115 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NetBeans cannot open a project 2017-03-18
269076 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError: com/welovecoding/nbeditorconfig/listener/ProjectOpenCloseListener 2017-04-25
270708 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError: com/welovecoding/nbeditorconfig/listener/ProjectOpenCloseListener 2017-05-22
271271 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError: com/welovecoding/nbeditorconfig/listener/ProjectOpenCloseListener 2017-08-11
268810 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang/exception/ExceptionUtils 2017-09-14
268934 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError: org/netbeans/modules/scala/sbt/project/SBTProjectOpenedHook 2016-12-06
269548 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.newRepositorySession(Lorg/apache/maven/execution/MavenExecutionRequest;)Lorg/sonatype/aether/RepositorySystemSession; 2017-08-02
270781 apisuppo Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at<init> 2017-06-01
271097 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at<init> 2017-11-19
257911 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.JFileChooser.isTraversable 2016-07-27
269690 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-01-31
269218 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-07-02
269843 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.maven.api.output.OutputUtils$StacktraceAttributes.access$200 2017-08-07
271318 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.maven.execute.BeanRunConfig.getMavenProject 2017-08-17
270371 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.maven.execute.cmd.ExecutionEventObject$Tree.startFold 2018-01-14
253275 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.maven.execute.CommandLineOutputHandler.trimTree 2018-01-28
270688 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.maven.grammar.MavenProjectGrammar.getNodeValue 2017-09-24
271790 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.maven.graph.MavenActionsProvider.createShowGraphAction 2017-12-11
271171 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.maven.output.TestOutputListenerProvider.processLine 2017-08-22
268837 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.project.ui.groups.DirectoryGroupEditPanel.updateDirectory 2017-04-19
267755 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.project.ui.ProjectsRootNode.findNode 2016-08-29
249990 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.project.ui.ProjectTab$ActualSelectionProject.performChange 2016-10-04
268415 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.project.ui.ProjectUtilities$1.doClose 2016-10-08
262828 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-07-13
270824 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.projectapi.nb.NbProjectInformationProvider.getProjectInformation 2017-06-07
271319 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.python.project2.PythonProject2.findProjectProperties 2017-08-17
270138 projects Ant tstupka NEW --- NullPointerException: Attempted to pass a null filename to resolveFile 2017-03-20
270859 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.apache.maven.artifact.InvalidArtifactRTException: For artifact {commons-logging:commons-logging:null:jar}: The version cannot be empty. 2017-06-12
254013 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException: only whitespace content allowed before start tag and not # (position: START_DOCUMENT seen #... @1:1) 2016-09-23
241649 projects Maven tstupka REOP --- org.jdom.IllegalDataException if CDATA ending delimiter is contained in Junit test output of a failed test 2017-08-30
267901 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.jdom.IllegalDataException: The data "-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder " is not legal for a JDOM comment: Comment data cannot start with a hyphen.. 2016-09-06
271231 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectManager$ LowPerformance took 26469 ms. 2017-08-04
250723 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.deadlock.detector.Detector$DeadlockDetectedException: 2017-10-18
259032 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.maven.configurations.M2ConfigProvider.getActiveConfiguration: LowPerformance took 30948 ms. 2017-11-09
270958 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.maven.embedder.EmbedderFactory.getProjectEmbedder: LowPerformance took 20638 ms. 2017-06-24
256214 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- LowPerformance took 7144 ms. 2016-01-12
255318 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.maven.NbMavenProjectImpl.getOriginalMavenProject: LowPerformance took 22988 ms. 2017-12-19
262648 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.projectapi.nb.NbProjectManager$ LowPerformance took 24786 ms. 2016-07-01
227492 projects Ant tstupka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.subversion.client.SvnClientInvocationHandler.handle: LowPerformance took 27256 ms. 2017-08-30
269917 projects Ant tstupka NEW --- LowPerformance took 33256 ms. 2017-08-02
270207 projects Ant tstupka NEW ---$SourcesImpl.getSourceGroups: LowPerformance took 26844 ms. 2017-03-27
257299 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.openide.filesystems.FileAlreadyLockedException: E:\admin\Documents\NetBeansProjects\oj\nbactions.xml 2015-12-30
242835 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeImpl.locateCurrent: LowPerformance took 159428 ms. 2016-06-29
270000 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-03-06
270243 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-03-29
270501 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-04-27
270923 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-06-21
271156 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-07-24
271160 projects Ant tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-07-25
271259 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-08-21
271268 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-08-11
271789 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-11-12
269086 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- ThreadDeath at org.netbeans.modules.maven.embedder.exec.ProgressTransferListener.checkCancel 2016-11-23
243738 projects Maven tstupka NEW --- Throwable at org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.ModelSource.<init> 2017-07-18
192796 projects Generic tstupka NEW --- [70cat] LowPerformance took 3554 ms. in classloading IO or waiting on folder lookup finishing io in other thread. 2017-08-24
257548 platform Netigso thurka NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: 2016-01-13
269925 platform Module S thurka NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: 2017-02-25
270964 platform Module S thurka NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Not all requested modules can be enabled: [Netigso: C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\ide\modules\org-eclipse-mylyn-bugzilla-core.jar] 2017-06-26
269677 platform Module S thurka NEW --- IllegalStateException: Already enabled: Netigso: C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\ide\modules\com-jcraft-jsch.jar 2017-01-29
269998 platform Netigso thurka NEW --- IllegalStateException: Bundle "reference:file:ide/modules/org-eclipse-jgit.jar" has been uninstalled 2017-03-06
257010 platform Module S thurka NEW --- C:\Users\Carlos\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.0.2\modules\com-jaspersoft-ireport.jar (El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada) 2015-12-17
271713 platform Module S thurka NEW --- java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans Dev 2017-10-27
271882 platform Module S thurka NEW --- java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle org.openide.util.NbBundle$PBundle, key MSG_finish_auto_restore 2017-12-14
269543 platform Module S thurka NEW --- java.util.MissingResourceException: No such bundle org.netbeans.modules.debugger.jpda.projectsui.Bundle 2017-01-12
270425 platform Module S thurka NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.core.startup.layers.BinaryCacheManager$BinaryWriter.writeString 2017-04-18
270957 platform Module S thurka NEW --- org.netbeans.Archive.getData: LowPerformance took 110068 ms. 2018-02-16
267883 platform Module S thurka NEW --- org.netbeans.core.startup.InstalledFileLocatorImpl.locateExactPath: LowPerformance took 26085 ms. 2016-09-21
255775 platform Module S thurka NEW --- org.netbeans.core.startup.logging.DispatchingHandler.publish: LowPerformance took 7459 ms. 2015-10-07
262679 platform Module S thurka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.deadlock.detector.Detector$DeadlockDetectedException: AWT-EventQueue-0 2017-01-23
257163 platform Netigso thurka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.netbinox.JarBundleFile.resource: LowPerformance took 20505 ms. 2015-12-16
256750 platform Netigso thurka NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.netbinox.JarBundleFile.resource: LowPerformance took 92268 ms. 2017-05-31
267357 platform Netigso thurka NEW --- org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle "org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core_3.17.0.v20150828-2026 [228]" could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Require-Bundle:; bundle-ve 2018-01-27
269244 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-12-05
270244 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-03-29
271353 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-08-23
271451 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-09-08
271796 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-11-13
271833 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-11-20
269563 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-01-14
270567 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-05-04
270584 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-05-07
270721 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-05-23
270945 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-09-29
271653 platform Module S thurka NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-10-16
270631 platform Module S thurka NEW --- UnsupportedOperationException: not running in regular module system, cannot restart 2017-06-13
270671 platform Module S thurka NEW --- UnsupportedOperationException: not running in regular module system, cannot restart 2017-06-04
252486 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- AssertionError: Display name not defined: OptionsDialog/Advanced/CssPreprocessors 2016-07-26
204226 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- core.startup.preferences.PropertiesStorage.outputStream may not properly close the stream 2017-03-30
248021 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- Exception: got no controller from Groovy: null 2017-05-18
247142 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- HeapView calls NbPreferences and it takes 4540 ms. 2016-07-20
239831 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- IllegalStateException: Listener 1945863693 is already attached to J2SEProjectPlatform 102628088 for Project Fit. 2014-02-14
271775 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- error in opening zip file 2017-11-09
248588 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NoSuchMethodError: org.openide.DialogDisplayer.createDialog(Lorg/openide/DialogDescriptor;Ljava/awt/Frame;)Ljava/awt/Dialog; 2016-02-18
257188 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at java.lang.String.concat 2017-10-22
255960 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at 2015-10-15
256737 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.core.startup.preferences.NbPreferences.put 2016-01-04
255768 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.core.ui.options.general.GeneralOptionsPanel.updateWebBrowsers 2015-10-07
253449 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.ide.ergonomics.fod.OptionCntrl.getComponent 2015-07-14
257974 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.options.OptionsPanel$ 2016-02-13
271082 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.options.OptionsPanel.clearAllinQS 2017-07-13
268341 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString 2018-01-06
252377 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.options.OptionsPanel.setCurrentCategory: LowPerformance took 22497 ms. 2015-05-13
270001 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.options.TabbedController.isChanged: LowPerformance took 35030 ms. 2017-03-06
257906 platform Options& theofanis NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.vagrant.command.InvalidVagrantExecutableException: Could not run command. 2016-02-09
249390 projects Maven theofanis REOP --- org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/E:/quaglan/projects/subversion/sdi2/Geoportal/Common/MavenProjects/INSPIREGeoportalLibrary/target/surefire-reports/ 2017-08-07
262188 projects Maven theofanis NEW --- org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/home/suporte/projects/idtrack/tag-laavasigma/lavasigma-domain-2.19.1/target/surefire-reports/; lineNu 2016-06-17
262351 ide Features sdedic NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.editor.JsStructureScanner.foldsJson 2017-02-12
255329 platform Palette saubrecht NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 2015-09-16
257225 platform Palette saubrecht NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 2017-03-06
252532 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2 2015-05-21
269619 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2 2018-03-12
268275 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- AssertionError at org.openide.awt.HtmlRendererImpl.reset 2016-10-11
269775 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- AssertionError at org.openide.awt.HtmlRendererImpl.reset 2018-01-29
270079 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- AssertionError at org.openide.awt.HtmlRendererImpl.reset 2017-03-15
270600 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- AssertionError at org.openide.awt.HtmlRendererImpl.reset 2017-05-25
249122 platform Window S saubrecht REOP --- AssertionError: Tried to set a selected component that was not in the array of open components. ToSelect: org.netbeans.modules.git.ui.diff.DiffTopComponent[ [ Diff ],0,0,891x597 2017-05-22
250001 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ClassCastException at 2015-08-05
255368 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- ClassCastException: cannot be cast to org.netbeans.modules.cnd.utils.FSPath 2015-12-21
257012 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- ClassCastException: org.netbeans.modules.scala.sbt.project.SBTProject cannot be cast to com.qualixium.playnb.a 2015-12-07
267927 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.DataContentHandlerFactory 2016-09-07
267928 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.DataContentHandlerFactory 2016-09-07
271499 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.DataContentHandlerFactory 2017-09-27
271879 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.DataContentHandlerFactory 2017-12-04
271880 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.DataContentHandlerFactory 2017-12-04
270879 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: 2017-06-14
270488 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: 2017-04-26
271874 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- com.github.javaparser.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 18, column 30. Encountered: "\u00b1" (177), after : "" 2018-03-11
270350 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- com.github.javaparser.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 4, column 28. Encountered: "\u00b3" (179), after : "" 2017-04-10
267590 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- Byte inv 2016-08-15
253307 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: illegal anchor value 2019-03-05
271652 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Key contains code point U+0000 2017-10-16
270888 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Width (0) and height (234) cannot be <= 0 2017-06-15
253827 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Width (0) and height (250) cannot be <= 0 2015-07-27
257872 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IllegalStateException: Null document for non-cancelled initialization. uqe=null 2017-06-05
270915 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IllegalStateException: Problem in some module which uses Window System: Window System API is required to be called from AWT thread only, see 2018-05-09
270275 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2, Size: 2 2017-04-03
258566 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 4, Size: 4 2016-05-17
271868 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- IndexOutOfBoundsException: off < 0 || len < 0 || off+len > b.length || off+len < 0! 2018-03-18
250897 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- japa.parser.ParseException: Encountered " ">" "> "" at line 123, column 46. Was expecting one of: "boolean" ... "byte" ... "char" ... "double" ... "false" ... "float" ... " 2015-03-04
255501 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException: Drag and drop in progress 2015-09-23
251785 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location 2015-04-28
253026 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- java.beans.PropertyVetoException: 2015-06-16
241563 platform Palette saubrecht NEW --- JavaPalette 2015-10-02
250354 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: 2015-02-11
251237 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification 2016-09-22
254484 platform Embedded saubrecht NEW --- handshake alert: unrecognized_name 2016-11-16
271521 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-09-25
256369 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at com.codename1.forms.GuiBuilderNewWizard.getName 2015-11-04
271679 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-10-21
270852 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at com.jelastic.plugin.netbeans.ui.JelasticWizardComponent.getProvider 2017-06-11
269673 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at com.mongodb.DBTCPConnector._error 2017-01-29
270182 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at com.qualixium.playnb.project.newprojectwizard.PlayTemplateWizardIterator.uninitialize 2017-03-24
256835 platform Embedded saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at java.lang.String.startsWith 2015-11-27
254659 platform Embedded saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel$HostContainer.lambda$setEmbeddedStage$52 2015-08-25
252577 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel.getInputMethodRequests 2017-01-10
252346 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.BoxLayout.preferredLayoutSize 2015-05-11
262200 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.JLabel.setIcon 2016-07-21
248994 platform Property saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView.getPreferredSpan 2015-03-04
270720 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.cheat.sheet.CodeTemplatesTopComponent.resultChanged 2017-05-23
253220 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.core.multiview.MultiViewPeer.peerGetActions 2015-06-28
249934 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at$EditorAreaComponent.getConstraintForLocation 2016-01-01
270608 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at$static$18 2017-05-10
246653 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.notifications.FlashingIcon.onMouseClick 2015-07-18
262567 platform Dialogs& saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at 2016-06-24
252395 ide Welcome saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.welcome.ui.PluginsPanel$ShowPluginManagerAction.actionPerformed 2015-05-14
268136 ide Welcome saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.welcome.ui.PluginsPanel$ShowPluginManagerAction.actionPerformed 2016-09-21
249936 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.qrps.RunTimePropertiesAction.resultChanged 2015-01-21
270295 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.DocumentSwitcherTable.isClosable 2017-04-04
251204 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.uml.code.ClassDiagramCodeGenerator.generateCode 2015-03-16
252588 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.uml.newcode.members.LiteralCodeGenerator.findExistingDeclaration 2015-06-30
250907 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.uml.reveng.ReverseEngineer.createComponents 2015-03-04
252350 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.uml.reveng.ReverseEngineer.createComponents 2015-11-02
253197 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.uml.reveng.ReverseEngineer.createComponents 2016-04-05
252238 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.wakatime.netbeans.plugin.UpdateHandler.checkAndHandleUpdates 2015-05-15
251515 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException at org.wakatime.netbeans.plugin.UpdateHandler.doDownload 2015-08-21
270887 ide Welcome saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException: Colors cannot be null 2017-06-15
251443 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException: displayName attribute not specified for org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.editor.JsonLanguage 2015-03-26
270112 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException: Passed null to FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(FileObject) 2017-04-20
249121 platform Window S saubrecht REOP --- NullPointerException: preferredID attribute not specified for null 2015-09-27
269137 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- NullPointerException: The icon parameter cannot be null 2016-11-27
250852 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- org.netbeans.core.spi.multiview.MultiViewFactory$MapMVD.createElement: LowPerformance took 21983 ms. 2015-03-03
267456 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- LowPerformance took 6136 ms. 2016-08-06
271716 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.deadlock.detector.Detector$DeadlockDetectedException: AWT-EventQueue-0 2017-10-27
257440 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.deadlock.detector.Detector$DeadlockDetectedException: AWT-EventQueue-1 2016-03-17
235636 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.openide.loaders.AWTTask.waitFor: LowPerformance took 25725 ms. 2016-06-08
271025 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.TabbedContainer.removeNotify: LowPerformance took 23817 ms. 2017-07-03
270420 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- org.openide.awt.Actions$ButtonBridge.updateButtonIcon: LowPerformance took 30027 ms. 2017-04-17
252558 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- org.openide.awt.ContextManager.isEnabledOnDataImpl: LowPerformance took 20889 ms. 2018-01-10
258432 platform Property saubrecht NEW --- org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.PropertySheet.init: LowPerformance took 23879 ms. 2016-03-18
270326 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- LowPerformance took 717100 ms. 2017-04-07
252080 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-04-24
252522 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-05-21
252627 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-05-27
267615 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-08-17
270380 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-04-12
250381 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2015-08-17
250555 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2015-03-13
251242 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2015-03-17
251723 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2015-04-08
252153 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-11-13
254937 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2015-09-02
270830 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-06-08
270902 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-07-17
271016 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-07-01
271033 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-07-04
257926 platform Window S saubrecht NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 2016-02-10
257805 platform Executio phejl NEW --- AbstractMethodError: javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.setFeature(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V 2016-02-01
256365 platform Executio phejl NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.UNIXProcess 2015-11-04
256673 platform Executio phejl NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.UNIXProcess 2015-11-18
257011 platform Executio phejl NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.UNIXProcess 2015-12-07
271699 platform Executio phejl NEW --- CreateProcess error=2, O sistema n 2017-10-25
269346 platform Executio phejl NEW --- error=13, Keine Berechtigung 2016-12-14
254085 platform Executio phejl NEW --- java.util.concurrent.CancellationException at 2015-08-02
268588 platform Executio phejl NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.api.extexecution.base.BaseExecutionService$ 2016-10-19
258357 apisuppo Harness pgebauer NEW --- NullPointerException at$NamedImportScope.importType 2016-03-14
268226 platform Director ovrabec NEW --- ClassCastException: javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode cannot be cast to org.netbeans.swing.dirchooser.DirectoryNode 2016-09-27
136684 platform Director ovrabec REOP --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView.getSystemDisplayName 2010-10-07
258823 platform Director ovrabec NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.JLabel.setIcon 2016-04-14
252036 apisuppo Template mkozeny NEW --- freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression project is undefined on line 4, column 14 in Templates/NetBeansModuleDevelopment-files/ 2015-07-10
271153 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Called DataObject.find on null 2017-08-25
246399 apisuppo Template mkozeny NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: cannot add to layout: constraints must be a GridBagConstraint 2014-09-02
256399 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: MALFORMED 2017-12-27
248891 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- G:\Lavoro\NB74SOURCE.original (Access is denied) 2015-02-04
251750 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- Cannot examine dir C:\Users\canh.kieu\Downloads\cakephp-netbeans-master\${nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir} 2015-08-05
271825 apisuppo Refactor mkozeny NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-11-17
249490 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.spi.BrandingSupport.scanModulesInBrandingDir 2014-12-30
248961 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.ui.wizard.LibraryStartVisualPanel.populateProjectData 2017-08-22
257584 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.ui.wizard.winsys.NewTCIterator.instantiate 2016-01-15
259101 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.universe.AbstractEntry.compareTo 2016-05-02
230549 apisuppo Project mkozeny REOP --- NullPointerException at 2013-10-10
245456 apisuppo Project mkozeny REOP --- NullPointerException for code completion at @MimeRegistration(mimeType - at org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.layers.LayerUtils.getEffectiveSystemFilesystem 2016-02-04
271382 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.api.ManifestManager.getInstanceFromJAR: LowPerformance took 23632 ms. 2017-08-28
243432 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.Evaluator$ LowPerformance took 20179 ms. 2014-11-13
248647 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.universe.ModuleList.parseSuiteProperties: LowPerformance took 26574 ms. 2014-11-23
248035 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'dependency' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type is element-only. 2014-11-03
247438 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/C:/Program%20Files/NetBeans%208.0/nb/update_tracking/org-netbeans-modules-ide-branding.xml; lineNumber: 96; columnNumber: 1; Content ist nicht zul 2014-09-30
251854 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/home/vkvashin/src/netbeans/cnd_newcndmodel_34/cnd.api.project/nbproject/project.xml; lineNumber: 127; columnNumber: 2; The content of elements must consi 2015-04-20
229764 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- StackOverflowError at org.openide.nodes.Children$Dupl.hashCode 2014-07-24
243564 apisuppo Maven mkleint REOP --- NullPointerException at<init> 2017-05-06
213534 platform Outline& mentlicher NEW --- 3.8s - addNotify() for Outline view 2012-09-17
270169 platform Template mentlicher NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 2017-03-22
268367 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- AssertionError at org.netbeans.modules.uihandler.Installer.uLogs 2016-10-06
269516 platform Template mentlicher NEW --- AssertionError: AsyncCompletionTask: query=org.netbeans.freemarker.FTLCompletionProvider$1@7abac21b: query.query(): Result set not finished by resultSet.finish() 2017-01-09
220867 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FSException: Cannot rename file localconf_add is improperly treated as SEVERE by uihandler or server 2015-12-23
249350 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.uihandler.Installer$SubmitInteractive.closeDialog: LowPerformance took 35562 ms. 2014-12-14
247326 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.uihandler.Installer$SubmitInteractive.viewData: LowPerformance took 22053 ms. 2014-09-26
242999 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.uihandler.UIHandler.waitFlushed: LowPerformance took 26158 ms. 2018-02-04
232266 platform Outline& mentlicher STAR --- org.netbeans.swing.outline.Outline.sortAndFilter: LowPerformance took 33474 ms. 2016-12-09
271807 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-11-15
270722 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2017-05-23
250915 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2015-09-14
270355 ide Logger mentlicher NEW --- reflect.InvocationTargetException at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait 2017-04-11
270357 projects Maven matthias42 RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException: The legacy format is no longer supported by this version of maven-indexer. 2018-02-20
249077 platform Proxy lfischmeistr NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: protocol = http host = null 2016-08-24
255211 platform Proxy lfischmeistr NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: protocol = null host = null 2015-09-11
247731 platform Proxy lfischmeistr NEW --- NullPointerException at 2014-10-06
220801 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- 3.5s - TreeViewDropSupport calls getNodes(true) and that may take a while 2014-02-04
226403 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- 59s - AWT blocked during expanding a node by NodeOp.findPath() 2015-03-06
206324 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- 6s in GC of NodeFactorySupport$DelegateChildren.removeNotify() due to PHP and javafx 2016-06-24
224530 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- 93s - Maven's DependencyNode performs multiple I/O while holding global lock 2016-09-09
229804 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- AssertionError: map.size()=5 entries.size()=3 2015-05-08
254870 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- AssertionError: Somebody changed internal state meanwhile! Expected: Inited: true Thread: Thread[org.netbeans.modules.project.ui.ProjectTab,1,system] InProgress: true MustNotify: false Entries: 5; vis 2015-09-15
271506 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- IllegalAccessException: Class org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.EnumPropertyEditor can not access a member of class com.streamsim.copypaste.CopyPasteTopComponent$Guy with modifiers "public static" 2017-09-20
224728 platform Progress JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Cannot decrease processed workunit count (3258) to lower value than before (3260) 2016-06-20
270883 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract! 2017-06-15
246277 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Deassign from wrong parent. Old: null Caller: /home/jatniel/WWW/cakephp@e9d5e746:5a285aae 2015-08-05
262222 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Deassign from wrong parent. Old: null Caller: org.openide.nodes.FilterNode$Children@270cb85b 2016-05-25
248730 platform Progress JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: number of workunits cannot be negative 2017-10-12
270456 platform Progress JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: number of workunits cannot be negative 2017-04-21
256945 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Original Node from map BinaryFileMap@84ca943{fo=MultiFileObject@59ad0f87[UI/Runtime/org-netbeans-modules-docker-ui-node-DockerNode-getInstance.instance]} is null 2016-04-07
254990 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Panel is not available for activation: org.netbeans.modules.navigator.LazyPanel@4aebc04e 2015-09-07
243731 platform Explorer JPESKA REOP --- IllegalArgumentException: permutation of incorrect length: 10 rather than 9 2014-07-09
258899 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: permutation of incorrect length: 9 rather than 4 2016-04-19
271198 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Wrong format of mind map, end of header is not found 2017-07-30
256179 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- IllegalStateException: getNodes(true) called while holding the Children.MUTEX 2016-08-07
250388 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- IllegalStateException: You cannot use IL[D:\WebServers\home\avrorahotelbase\kernel\classes\bkng\reports\hotels\cron.php@5ab02289:2e4a12 in more than one AbstractLookup. Prev: 12 new: 12 2015-08-05
268593 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification 2018-01-12
268956 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification 2017-09-01
271800 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class java.awt.dnd.DragSource 2017-11-14
271745 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-11-02
258849 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.actions.BringElementToFrontAction.enable 2016-04-15
270095 platform Action I JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at info.gianlucacosta.easypmd.ide.editor.GuardedSectionsAnalyzer.<init> 2017-03-16
258175 platform Notifica JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at java.awt.Container.addImpl 2016-02-28
271406 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager.flushAccumulatedRegion 2017-08-30
257774 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.JLabel.setIcon 2016-01-30
259097 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.JLabel.setIcon 2016-05-02
262483 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.JLabel.setIcon 2016-06-20
258594 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at javax.swing.ToolTipManager.showTipWindow 2017-05-04
259113 platform Explorer JPESKA CLOS INVA NullPointerException at org.chrisle.netbeans.plugins.nbsymlink.actions.NbSymlinkAction.getPopupPresenter 2020-07-24
268915 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.nbandroid.netbeans.gradle.ui.DependenciesNode$1.addLibraries 2018-05-02
262461 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.cheat.sheet.CodeTemplatesTopComponent.resultChanged 2016-06-17
257423 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.jpa.modeler.core.widget.attribute.AttributeWidget$1.getDisplay 2016-01-05
269701 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.docbook.DocBookNavigatorPanel.panelDeactivated 2017-02-01
270239 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.docbook.DocBookNavigatorPanel.panelDeactivated 2017-03-29
269572 platform Notifica JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-01-16
258949 platform Notifica JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at 2016-04-21
268048 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.openide.explorer.ExplorerActionsImpl.updatePasteAction 2017-06-07
258291 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.openide.explorer.view.TreeView$PopupSupport.mouseClicked 2016-03-09
259131 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.perforcenb.ui.history.HistoryNodeFactory.createKeys 2016-05-04
269620 platform Progress JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException: The toOpen parameter cannot be null 2017-01-21
232430 platform Actions JPESKA REOP --- org.openide.actions.HeapView.paintDropShadowText: LowPerformance took 273365 ms. 2017-12-07
233513 platform Actions JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.actions.PasteAction$ActSubMenuModel.getPasteTypesOrActions: LowPerformance took 10099 ms. 2016-03-29
271826 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.RendererPropertyDisplayer.paintComponent: LowPerformance took 73009 ms. 2017-11-17
258358 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.explorer.view.VisualizerNode.getChildren: LowPerformance took 37685 ms. 2016-03-14
258389 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.nodes.CookieSetLkp.beforeLookupImpl: LowPerformance took 31179 ms. 2016-03-16
257196 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.nodes.CookieSetLkp.beforeLookupImpl: LowPerformance took 75509 ms. 2015-12-17
268793 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.nodes.FilterNode$FilterLookup$ProxyResult.allItems: LowPerformance took 43108 ms. 2018-01-02
243724 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.nodes.FilterNode$FilterLookup$ProxyResult.updateLookup: LowPerformance took 100659 ms. 2017-05-18
222425 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.nodes.NodeLookup.addCookie: LowPerformance took 4657 ms. 2013-05-30
256939 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-12-02
257218 platform Explorer JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-12-19
257653 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-01-20
258450 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-03-20
262520 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-06-21
268146 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-09-22
268464 platform Actions JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-11
268555 platform Actions JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-17
269513 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-01-09
269854 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-02-17
270026 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-03-09
270550 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-05-03
270588 platform Actions JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-11-13
270764 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-05-29
270862 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-06-12
242540 platform Action I JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-12-16
250193 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2015-08-05
258788 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-04-12
262456 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-11-21
249129 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2014-12-15
256655 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- StackOverflowError at java.lang.String.toLowerCase 2016-02-25
234954 platform Nodes JPESKA NEW --- StackOverflowError at org.openide.nodes.ChildrenArray.getChildren 2013-08-24
214576 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- 3.6s when a first document is modified 2013-05-30
218156 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- 4s in org.openide.util.Utilities.actionsToPopup() initializing multiple actions (FileSystemAction takes 1.6s) 2014-01-24
178965 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- 5s in output2.AbstractLines.actionPerformed() 2017-07-23
248022 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- 6 million instances of FilterNode$FilterLookup$ProxyResult 2016-12-05
252032 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- AssertionError at$IOWindowImpl.setTitle 2015-08-13
271751 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- AssertionError: FileObject for /home/java/jBLELib/src_lib/linux-amd64/ not found. 2017-11-03
254319 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- AssertionError: Need to normalize ... Different letter-case in path 2016-06-14
255848 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- AssertionError: Need to normalize C:\Users\MackSix\Documents\NetBeansProjects\jogl-samples-master\jogl-samples\src\helloTriangle\shaders\vs.glsl (class was C:\Users\MackSix\Documents\Net 2015-10-12
256476 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- AssertionError: Need to normalize C:\Users\Mauricio\AppData\Local\Temp\.{682B3199-76C3-4745-B7AE-FC13F6676421} (class was C:\Users\Mauricio\AppData\Local\Temp\.{682B3199-76C3-4745-B7AE-F 2016-09-14
256704 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- AssertionError: Need to normalize D:\Work\NetBeansProjects\trunk_php54\db\upgrade\2_6_4\nohosting (class was D:\Work\NetBeansProjects\trunk_php54\db\upgrade\2_6_4\nohosting(class 2015-11-20
271420 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- ClassCastException: org.openide.loaders.DefaultDataObject cannot be cast to org.openide.loaders.DataFolder 2017-09-11
262757 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- ClassNotFoundException:$JCModuleDecl starting from ModuleCL@44bbf5a[] with possible defining loaders [ModuleCL@78f1492e[org.netbean 2016-07-11
268666 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- ClassNotFoundException: org.netbeans.modules.maven.indexer.api.RepositoryPreferences 2016-12-05
251016 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- Disappearing output tab in Maven project 2016-06-09
258760 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Already listening to D:\jdk9_dev\jaxws\src\java.activation\windows\classes new listener : org.netbeans.modules.jdk.project.SourcesImpl@22a1a1bd holder listener: org.netbean 2016-07-05
259000 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Contents must be presorted - added value -130820 is less than preceding value 0 2016-04-25
257033 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Contents must be presorted - added value 105346022 is less than preceding value 2045515764 2017-08-18
262786 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Contents must be presorted - added value 3250159 is less than preceding value 3250172 2016-07-12
258052 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Copying to 11529 is greater then its size (11524). 2017-11-04
271901 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Copying to 2018 is greater then its size (2015). 2017-12-10
267517 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Copying to 4288 is greater then its size (4285). 2018-02-23
251100 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: file:/home/wolf/NetBeansProjects/POSMorphAnnotator/lib/zemberek-core-0.9.0.jar/ is not a valid classpath entry; use a jar-protocol URL. 2015-08-14
255019 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Negative size 2015-09-23
258192 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Result org.netbeans.modules.cnd.modelimpl.platform.CndParserResult@c663402 [org.netbeans.modules.cnd.modelimpl.platform.CndParserResult] does not provide CompilationInfo 2017-10-12
262542 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Was not listening to C:\Users\C11891A\Documents\NetBeansProjects\JavaApplication7\build\generated-sources 2016-06-27
257450 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- IllegalStateException: Node has been removed. 2016-01-07
248489 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- IllegalStateException: Output file has been disposed! 2015-02-13
253212 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- IllegalStateException: Peer does not exist while invoking the decreaseComponentCount() method 2015-07-23
256878 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- InternalError: Should not get here 2017-03-31
256854 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- C:\Users\giorgo\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.1\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\ (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a u 2017-11-20
258244 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- Can't read 2016-03-04
269597 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- Cannot read from file Windows2/Components/UpdateDetailsTopComponent.settings. 2017-01-19
258844 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- copied file is not valid D:\cfaja\Documents\NetBeansProjects\infodocs.solita\src\java\com\vur\usuario\controller\[invalid] 2016-04-15
268578 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- Setting attribute not allowed for JarFileSystem [J:\Projetos\MapGo\AccountManager\lib\restlib\jersey-container-servlet-core-2.23.2-sources.jar!org/glassfish/jersey/servlet/Servlet 2016-10-19
271494 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable 2017-09-18
269310 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- C:\opencv\build\java\x86\opencv-2413.jar 2016-12-12
271656 platform Quick Se jhavlin NEW --- java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\$Recycle.Bin\S-1-5-18 2017-10-17
268409 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Program Files (x86)\apache-tomcat-7.0.69\conf\tomcat-users.xml 2018-04-14
256338 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters: /export/home/alsimon/vb/Exchange/projects/??????? 2016-07-06
270612 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.nextNode 2017-11-13
271837 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- java.util.MissingResourceException: No such bundle org.openide.filesystems.Bundle 2018-01-10
270354 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- javax.lang.model.element.UnknownElementException: Unknown element: HolaJava 2018-03-27
256029 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/management/internal/GarbageCollectorExtImpl 2015-10-20
268574 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at<init> 2016-10-18
268738 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at net.sourceforge.jonbas.core.JMXDeployer$ 2016-10-29
269704 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at$Script.replaceMacroParams 2017-02-01
269984 platform Quick Se jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.jboss.forge.netbeans.ui.context.NbUIContext.getSelectedResources 2017-03-04
259135 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at$computeErrors$1 2016-05-05
258627 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at$computeErrors$1 2016-04-03
271663 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.core.output2.OutputTab.waitCursor 2017-10-18
271707 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.core.output2.OutWriter.println 2017-10-26
269951 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.freemarker.highlight.FTLHighlighter$ 2017-03-01
269693 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at 2017-01-31
269648 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.fileobjects.FileObjectFactory.getCachedOnly 2017-01-25
268961 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.watcher.Watcher$Ext.register 2016-11-13
258351 platform Quick Se jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at 2016-03-30
268004 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeImpl.locateCurrent 2016-09-13
262608 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.openide.filesystems.FileObject.getFileObject 2016-06-28
247295 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.createFolder 2014-12-12
255110 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException at org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject$Entry.access$000 2016-01-16
269880 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- NullPointerException: The doc parameter cannot be null 2017-02-20
243485 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OOME: Many FCLSupport$DispatchEventWrapperSingle instances 2018-03-05
256957 platform Quick Se jhavlin NEW --- org.jboss.forge.furnace.exception.ContainerException: No services of type [org.jboss.forge.addon.projects.ProjectFactory] could be found in any started addons. 2015-12-03
262278 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.core.output2.ExtPlainView.modelToView: LowPerformance took 62735 ms. 2016-05-31
229090 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.core.output2.ExtPlainView.paint: LowPerformance took 3361 ms. 2015-09-10
257989 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.core.output2.OutputDocument.stateChanged: LowPerformance took 20850 ms. 2018-02-20
256565 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FileChangedManager.exists: LowPerformance took 21018 ms. 2015-12-29
271629 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FileChangedManager.exists: LowPerformance took 21138 ms. 2017-10-12
257485 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FileChangedManager.exists: LowPerformance took 23203 ms. 2017-11-22
267939 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FileInfo.isDirectory: LowPerformance took 10057 ms. 2017-06-15
268879 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FSException: Cannot create folder 1 in folder C:/Users/leonardo/AppData/Local/NetBeans/Cache/8.2/index/s27/errors. 2016-11-07
270334 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FSException: Cannot delete file script.sql in C:/Users/ort/Documents/NetBeansProjects/CraftInspector/src/craftinspector. 2017-04-09
256824 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FSException: Cannot get exclusive access to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 8.0.27\conf\server.xml@2532ed6:7cf1b09c (probably 2015-11-26
249603 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.filebasedfs.utils.FSException: Cannot rename file SampleWebApp in D:/Farooq/centralogic_projects/GATE to HuHoKaAnalyzerAPI. 2015-03-10
271848 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.openide.loaders.DataObjectEncodingQueryImplementation.getEncoding: LowPerformance took 29127 ms. 2017-11-25
270765 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.ParseException at org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.TaskProcessor.runUserTask 2017-12-13
240452 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.versioning.core.api.VCSFileProxy.createFileProxy: LowPerformance took 23373 ms. 2014-01-14
269258 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFolder.getChildren: LowPerformance took 27263 ms. 2016-12-07
271011 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.filesystems.FileAlreadyLockedException: org-netbeans-api-project-libraries/ 2017-06-30
270768 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.filesystems.FileAlreadyLockedException: Z:\mconnect\cron_jobs\update-parsed-cv.php 2017-05-30
241951 platform Filesyst jhavlin REOP --- org.openide.filesystems.FileChooserBuilder$SavedDirFileChooser.showDialog: LowPerformance took 46723 ms. 2017-09-25
270603 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.filesystems.FSException: Cannot delete file Windows2Local/Components/MultiView-html#002EsoD3B7C256xt#002Ehistory#007C_4.settings in C:\Users\Waqar\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.2\config. 2017-05-10
271351 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.filesystems.FSException: N 2017-08-22
258014 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem.getJar: LowPerformance took 34563 ms. 2017-11-23
238744 platform Data Sys jhavlin REOP --- org.openide.nodes.Children$Keys$KE.nodes: LowPerformance took 57725 ms. 2017-01-17
230180 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.nodes.Children$Keys.applyKeys: LowPerformance - EDT waiting for Children.MUTEX 2015-10-31
239779 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.nodes.EntrySupportLazy.getNodesCount: LowPerformance took 71247 ms. 2015-11-17
241993 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.nodes.FilterNode$Children$LazySupport.callGetNodes: LowPerformance took 20383 ms. 2016-10-01
249196 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.getActions: LowPerformance took 43108 ms. 2015-08-27
270568 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.text.DataEditorSupport$1: The file /home/toddb/src/src5/mc_sdk_src-10.2/enc_avc/src/core/libavc/slice.cpp cannot be safely opened with encoding UTF-8. Do you want to continue opening it? 2017-12-16
270276 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.text.DataEditorSupport.messageName: LowPerformance took 26408 ms. 2017-04-03
247538 platform Data Sys jhavlin NEW --- org.openide.text.DataEditorSupport.superSaveDoc: Save All took 38 s. 2017-07-06
270758 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 403 Forbidden; nested exception is 2017-05-29
256874 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 99; columnNumber: 50; cvc-enumeration-valid: O valor '280dpi' n 2017-10-29
256483 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-11-10
256531 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-11-12
256594 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-11-20
256769 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-02-06
256832 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-11-27
257044 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-01-05
257180 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2015-12-16
257405 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-01-05
257473 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-01-08
257570 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-01-14
258138 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-02-24
258198 platform Quick Se jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-03-02
258530 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2018-04-02
258595 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2018-01-31
258889 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-12-06
258958 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-04-21
258967 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-04-22
262045 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-05-16
262352 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-06-07
262379 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-06-09
262447 platform Lookup jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-06-15
262508 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-06-26
262821 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-07-15
267348 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-07-23
267513 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-19
267879 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-09-05
267908 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-06-26
267916 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-09-07
267925 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-09-07
267965 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-09-11
267992 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-09-13
268015 platform Output W jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-09-14
268277 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-09-29
268380 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-06
268451 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-10
268517 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-14
268590 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-19
268592 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-19
268637 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-21
268669 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-10-17
268720 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-10-27
268723 platform Quick Se jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-12-01
268737 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2018-02-09
268818 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2016-11-04
268965 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-05-18
268977 platform Filesyst jhavlin NEW --- OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 2017-05-24
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
