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Who When What Removed Added
ppisl 2003-01-22 16:23:33 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 25365, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 25365, 33678
ppisl 2003-02-24 09:58:12 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20183, 20294, 33678 11838, 13570, 20183, 20294, 21700, 33678
ppisl 2003-02-28 17:00:47 UTC Blocks 33678 11838, 33678
ppisl 2003-02-28 17:16:08 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 33678 11838, 13570, 20183, 33678
ppisl 2003-02-28 17:41:50 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 33678 11838, 13570, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 25365, 33678
ppisl 2003-02-28 18:11:57 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 33678
ppisl 2003-02-28 18:47:23 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20183, 20294, 21700, 33678 11838, 13570, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 33678
ppisl 2003-03-03 10:46:09 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 30716, 33678
ppisl 2003-03-24 16:38:44 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 25365, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 33678
ppisl 2003-03-26 07:52:57 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 33678
ppisl 2003-03-27 14:22:27 UTC Blocks 11838, 33678 11838, 13570, 33678
ppisl 2003-03-28 15:02:51 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 30716, 32170, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 30716, 32170, 32464, 33678
ppisl 2003-04-22 09:01:12 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20183, 33678 11838, 13570, 20183, 20294, 33678
ppisl 2003-04-28 08:49:42 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 30716, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 30716, 32170, 33678
ppisl 2003-05-22 12:37:32 UTC Blocks 33678
pbuzek 2003-06-02 15:23:03 UTC Keywords PROJECTS
Target Milestone TBD 4.0
ppisl 2003-06-16 13:45:42 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 30716, 32170, 32464, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678
ppisl 2003-06-16 13:59:35 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 28670, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678
pjiricka 2003-07-09 16:41:00 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 28670, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 28670, 29886, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678
pjiricka 2003-07-17 08:13:50 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 28670, 29886, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 28670, 29886, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678, 34971
rkubacki 2003-08-04 13:49:36 UTC Blocks 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 28670, 29886, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678, 34971 11838, 13570, 20001, 20183, 20294, 21700, 22460, 23137, 25365, 28670, 29886, 29999, 30713, 30716, 31027, 32170, 32464, 33678, 34275, 34971
pbuzek 2004-09-25 01:18:14 UTC Status NEW RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED
Target Milestone 3.6 4.0
quality 2009-10-30 00:00:00 UTC Product web javaee
Component code Code

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