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Bug 94062

Summary: Query criteria - AND and OR operators not implemented.
Product: obsolete Reporter: bugbridge <bugbridge>
Component: visualwebAssignee: John Baker <jbaker>
Status: NEW ---    
Severity: blocker CC: jimdavidson
Priority: P2    
Version: 5.x   
Hardware: All   
OS: Windows XP   
Issue Type: ENHANCEMENT Exception Reporter:

Description bugbridge 2007-02-02 20:04:14 UTC
    The reason why this rfe has higest priority is following: real-life 
queries very often combines several search conditions. Lack
of AND/OR functionality in the querybuilder would often force users to create 
or update queries manually instead of using grid pane
or diagram pane. At present (build 040202) it is only possible to specify 
complex search condition by editing SQL instead of typing
it into the grid pane. It is not possible even to change simple search 
condition without editing SQL (see bugs listed in the 'see
also' section). Since grid pane GUI is designed in order to support OR 
functionality, the fact that it is unsupported may be also
confusing for the user.

    Functionality that should be implemented (see also referenced bug id's):

    Use case: Apply multiple search conditions to the same data column.
    Input: In the Grid pane, user adds the column to search. In the 'Criteria' 
column for the data column just added, user specifies
the first condition. In the 'Or...' column for the same data column, user 
specifies the second condition.
    Result: SELECT fname, lname FROM employees WHERE (salary < 30000) OR 
(salary > 100000)

    Use case: Include several data columns as part of the search condition for 
a query.
    Input: In the Grid pane, user adds several columns to search. In 
the 'Criteria' column for each data column added, user
specifies condition.
    Result: SELECT pub_id, title FROM titles WHERE (pub_id = '0877') AND 
(title = 'Cook')

    Precedence of AND and OR operators should be maintained correctly.

Will be implemented in future releases.