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Bug 76063

Summary: Retrieving database schema too long
Product: javaee Reporter: kovica <kovica>
Component: PersistenceAssignee: Andrei Badea <abadea>
Status: REOPENED ---    
Severity: blocker CC: pbuzek
Priority: P1 Keywords: PERFORMANCE
Version: 5.x   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Windows 10   
Issue Type: ENHANCEMENT Exception Reporter:
Attachments: messages.log
thread dump
Thread dump with JCC driver
Messages with JCC

Description kovica 2006-05-08 09:35:21 UTC
I'm using NetBeans 5.5 Dev (Build 200605050500) on Linux with java 1.5.0_06-b05.

I'm trying to use Entity Classes from Database wizard. I can connect to the
database and select the default schema on the connection, but when the
"Retrieving the database schema" appears it runs for 20 minutes and still didn't
produce any tablesi in the Available Table list. I'm using DB2 v8 and a database
that has around 2000 tables.
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I cannot see if the dialog is doing anything
and what it is doing.
Comment 1 kovica 2006-05-08 12:20:04 UTC
It's been over two hours now and I'm still seeing that "Retrieving the database
schema" dialog.
Comment 2 giorgio42 2006-05-08 20:59:59 UTC
The approach used here (reading the complete db schema and then let the user
select from the list, probably inherited from Forte days), does not scale well
with large databases.

The right approach would be to do a very superficial scan of the db schema
(select  * from user_table in oracle), let the user select the tables, then try
to identify the relationships between the selected tables (like the References
feature in DbVisualizer).

The second point is to improve the used XML format to drastically reduce the
file size. The current format is ridiculously verbose (and get rid of the Forte
package names in there).

Best regards,
Comment 3 Pavel Buzek 2006-05-09 03:06:51 UTC
I agree it is a bug that you do not see that the wizard is doing anything and
what it is doing and that you cannot cancel what it is doing. It would be good
to get that fixed. If nothing else then by saying "Stop Reading!!".

I am not sure if we will be able to make it perform well for 2000 tables and I
do not think that it is absolutely required for this release. It is not an
imposible use case but IMO it is kind of infrequent to have 2000 tables - at
least for most users. Anyway, how quick would you expect it to be for 200
tables? Seriously, I am asking what would be acceptable for you, because I have
never worked with a 2000 tables DB myself.

The reason why it needs to read more then just the list of tables is that it
helps you to select related tables. This may not be always needed (and you can
turn it off) but we think that most users will like it (it is the default).

I agree that the dbschema is not ideal. FYI, Andrei started working on its
future replacement, but it was not a priority for this release. The priority was
to get the job done as quickly as possible (i.e. reusing what we had) to have nb
5.5 as close as possible to ee5 spec/reference implemenation release.

thanks for testing and thanks for feedback & ideas!
Comment 4 kovica 2006-05-09 08:01:54 UTC
How about if, for a temporary solution, yoiu put a System.out.println somewhere
in there, so I can see what table is it reading?
Comment 5 Andrei Badea 2006-05-16 15:34:07 UTC
Georg and Pavle, thank you for your comments. I answered Georg in issue 75687, I
suggest we continue the discussion about how to improve dbschema there.

Gregor, could you please run NetBeans *from a console* and with the
-J-Dnetbeans.debug.exceptions=true option, reproduce the error (it is enough to
wait for a few minutes I think) and attach the exceptions in the console? Could
you also check if there is any network activity while the "Retrieving the
schema" dialog is displayed?

Please make sure you attach the console contents and not the message log, since
the logging in dbschema uses System.out.println() instead of proper logging

Probably I could add a "Cancel" button to the progress dialog, although it won't
work in all cases. If the driver is receiving data from the server the schema
retrieving process can be interrupted. But if the driver is blocked waiting from
data from the server it is not possible to reliably interrupt it, so the dialog
won't be closed until the call into the driver returns.
Comment 6 kovica 2006-05-16 16:05:04 UTC
I didn't get any errors in console, but there are some in messages.log file.
I'm ataching that.
Comment 7 kovica 2006-05-16 16:05:51 UTC
Created attachment 30420 [details]
Comment 8 Rochelle Raccah 2006-05-16 22:36:23 UTC
Is issue 76380 a duplicate of this?
Comment 9 _ pcw 2006-05-16 23:18:02 UTC
By the way, the exceptions in the attached messages.log that refer to not
finding sun-cmp-mappings.xml are from the SJSAS plugin and are not related to
this issue.

I filed issue 76455 to deal with those, as while they are probably benign, they
should not have happened.
Comment 10 kovica 2006-05-17 07:29:16 UTC
I've run this with the driver and it did return
all the tables, but they are all listed with a comment saying "no primary key".
I'm 100 % sure they do have a primary key. I also cannot select any table from
the list, they are all grayed out.
I'm not sure about the time it took to read the tables, since I waited for
couple of minutes and then went home.
Comment 11 Andrei Badea 2006-05-17 13:56:25 UTC
raccah: no, but it is a duplicate of issue 75687. Thanks for notifying.
Comment 12 Andrei Badea 2006-05-17 14:40:29 UTC
The exception is the same that you reproduced in issue 76061, so let's deal with
it there. However, the progress dialog should have disappeared and an error
message displayed. I will look at it.

Another question is why the primary keys weren't retrieved using the APP driver.
Were there any exception or anything ususual? Please try to browse the database
in the DB Explorer. Are the primary keys displayed as such (they have a
red-colored column icon)?
Comment 13 kovica 2006-05-17 16:45:46 UTC
I didn't see any exceptions, but I'll check.
I can see the primary keys in Database Explorer.
Comment 14 Andrei Badea 2006-05-18 13:04:44 UTC
Unfortunately I don't have the possibility to test with the APP driver. I can
only test with the NET one (and JCC). Could you please try if you get the same
behavior with the NET driver that you get with the APP driver (that is, the
primary keys are not detected in the Entity Classses from DB wizard, but they
are displayed correctly in the DB Explorer)? Thanks.

BTW with the NET driver the primary keys are detected correctly for me in the
wizard. Would it be possible to post a SQL script to create one of your tables
so that I can test it here?
Comment 15 Andrei Badea 2006-05-18 14:28:27 UTC
I tried to "generate" some exceptions while the schema is retrieved hoping I
would get a forever-runnning progress dialog, but didn't manage to. I don't know
why the progress ran for so long, maybe the driver is waiting for data from the
database server. Could you please to reproduce again with the JCC driver, let
the progress dialog run for a few minutes and then generate a full JVM thread
dump and attach it to the issue? Thanks.
Comment 16 kovica 2006-05-18 14:41:19 UTC
Now I'm pretty sure why NB 5.5 got out during the night. When I started it this
morning the dialog "Retrieving the database schema" was up for 8 hours and then
I killed it.
During the night a backup is made of the database and all connections to the
database are closed. So... NB ran to midnight (database backup time), the
conenction was closed and then the dialog dissapered. The tables were listed in
the list box, but because the process of getting the schema did not finish there
were not all primary keys listed. I hope I'm making sense.
Steps that I think you are doing:
connect to database
list tables = get list of tables
for tableName in list do
    get primary key for tableName
end for
So the conenction was closed when the process was in the for loop meaning not
all primary keys were read from database.
Comment 17 kovica 2006-05-18 15:18:29 UTC
Created attachment 30500 [details]
thread dump
Comment 18 kovica 2006-05-18 15:19:11 UTC
Attached thread dump is atfer the dialog ran for about 30 minutes and I'm using
APP driver.
Comment 19 kovica 2006-05-18 15:28:51 UTC
With JCC I get exception:
[org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection] connect()
[org.netbeans.modules.db.runtime.DatabaseRuntimeManager] Runtime:
org.netbeans.modules.derby.RegisterDerby for driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDr
[org.netbeans.modules.db.runtime.DatabaseRuntimeManager] Runtime:
org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.db.RegisterPointbase for driver com.pointba
[org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer] Creating DbURLClassLoader for
[file:/home/gregor/LIB/DB2/8.2/db2jcc.jar, file:/home/gregor/LIB/DB2/8.2/db2jcc_jav
ax.jar, file:/home/gregor/LIB/DB2/8.2/db2jcc_license_cu.jar]
You are trying to access file: from the default
Please see
[org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection] connect()
[org.netbeans.modules.db.runtime.DatabaseRuntimeManager] Runtime:
org.netbeans.modules.derby.RegisterDerby for driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDr
[org.netbeans.modules.db.runtime.DatabaseRuntimeManager] Runtime:
org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.db.RegisterPointbase for driver com.pointba
[org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer] Creating DbURLClassLoader for
[file:/home/gregor/LIB/DB2/8.2/db2jcc.jar, file:/home/gregor/LIB/DB2/8.2/db2jcc_jav
ax.jar, file:/home/gregor/LIB/DB2/8.2/db2jcc_license_cu.jar]
You are trying to access file: from the default
Please see
Warning: use of system property netbeans.debug.exceptions in
org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.jdbcimpl.SchemaElementImpl has been obsoleted in
favor of
        at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
Comment 20 Andrei Badea 2006-05-18 17:26:24 UTC
Thanks for the explanation about the connection being closed at midnight. It
could be an explanation. Also thanks for the thread dump, but it should have
been with the JCC driver, since that driver throws an exception and I wanted to
know if the exception causes the progress dialog to stay opened forever. Could
you please send another one with the JCC driver?

I modified the progress dialog to show a determinate progress bar (it shows the
percent of the job that is done) and the names of the retrieved tables. I will
commit it tomorrow.
Comment 21 kovica 2006-05-19 07:35:43 UTC
Just a comment:
I've seen in your code that you get info about the database and tables via
DatabaseMetadata and alike. I must point that, at least with DB2, this approach
is VERY slow. We had done this in our application as weel, but then we switched
to using direct SELECT statements againt the catalog. I know that you must
support several different databases and the DatabaseMetadata is the only
standard approach for this.
I know that DbVisualizer is much faster reading info about the database and
tables. I guess they are using SELECTs too. I'd recommend it using them here
too. I'd be willing to help too. And the performance will be at least 10x
better. Believe me. I've been there, done that. :))
Comment 22 kovica 2006-05-19 07:41:03 UTC
With JCC is like this that when I create a connection and enter username and
password the connection is made, the dialog only appears for a second and
dissapears then.
I'm attaching messages.log and thread dump.
Comment 23 kovica 2006-05-19 07:41:39 UTC
Created attachment 30516 [details]
Thread dump with JCC driver
Comment 24 kovica 2006-05-19 07:42:39 UTC
Created attachment 30517 [details]
Messages with JCC
Comment 25 Andrei Badea 2006-05-19 09:50:39 UTC
Displaying the retrieved tables and views in the progress dialog.

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Comment 26 Andrei Badea 2006-05-19 10:13:17 UTC
Thanks for the suggestion to query the system catalog instead of using
DatabaseMetaData. Unfortunately I don't think this will be possible to 5.5, but
I will take it into account in the dbschema replacement. Please feel free to
file an enhancement issue for it.

I will also try to add a cancel button to the progress dialog. When that is done
I think the issue can be closed.
Comment 27 kovica 2006-05-23 10:10:36 UTC
I've tried the new build and it did work. It lasted for almost two hours that
the data was read from the database, but at least I could see where the process
is at. This process would be over in 10 seconds if direct SELECT statements
would be used. :)
The .dbschema file that was generated is over 115 MB large. :))
Comment 28 Andrei Badea 2006-05-24 10:58:29 UTC
Added a button to cancel the schema retrieval. Gregor, if you have time please
test it. Also please test the schema retrieval speed again. On May 19 I managed
to commit a debugging Thread.sleep() call which made everything even slower.
Please try with the daily build from May 25 or later.

I don't think I can do more in this issue, thus closing.

Checking in
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 <--  ProgressPanel.form
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Comment 29 kovica 2006-05-26 13:12:29 UTC
Reading the schema seems a bit faster now, but not much.
I've tested the Cancel button today and it seems to work. But I don't like it
behaviour. When pressing Cancel button the list should be populated with tables
that were already read.
Comment 30 kovica 2006-05-26 13:28:05 UTC
I stand corrected. Reading of database schema took about 20 minutes. Great
Comment 31 esafzay 2016-10-06 08:07:31 UTC
This issue is still not fixed in version 8.1
I would suggest to just retrieve the name of the tables in the first step. Once the user select the required tables, in the next step retrieve the schema details only for the selected tables, instead of retrieve it for all the tables which could be in hundreds.
Comment 32 kvs 2016-11-24 20:06:52 UTC
10 years it is.