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Bug 39018

Summary: A11Y: Mounting Wizard
Product: obsolete Reporter: David Kaspar <dkaspar>
Component: vcsgenericAssignee: issues@obsolete <issues>
Severity: blocker CC: juhrik
Priority: P3 Keywords: A11Y
Version: 3.x   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Windows ME/2000   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description David Kaspar 2004-01-20 17:23:00 UTC
Here a11y report for CVS Profile panel of Mounting
 No Accessible name :
   Class: javax.swing.JRadioButton {  N/A |  N/A } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
 No Accessible description :
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
 Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it :
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
 Components with no mnemonic :
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Browse... | 
Choose a directory. } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Browse... | 
Choose a directory. } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Browse... | 
Choose a file. } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Select... | 
Choose the value in a custom selec
tor. } 
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Password: |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JRadioButton {  N/A |  N/A } 
   Class: javax.swing.JRadioButton {  N/A |  N/A } 
 Components with potential mnemonics conflict:
 - components with mnemonic 'M' :
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Relative Mount
Point: |  Relative mount point. }
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Relative Mount
Point: |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Remote Shell: |  } 
 - components with mnemonic 'D' :
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Working Directory:
|  Working directory. } 
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Working Directory:
|  } 
 - components with mnemonic 'B' :
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  < Back | 
Previous step: 1. Choose Template } 
   Class: javax.swing.JRadioButton {  N/A |  Use
the built-in CVS client, no ext
ernal CVS executable is necessary. } 

BTW: Do not use "N/A" as a11y name for components.

Here a11y report for PVCS Profile panel of
Mounting Wizard:
 Components with no mnemonic :
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Browse... | 
Choose a directory. } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Select... | 
Choose the value in a custom selector. } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Select... | 
Choose the value in a custom selector. } 
 Components with potential mnemonics conflict:
 - components with mnemonic 'D' :
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Project Database:
|  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Working Directory:
|  Working directory. } 

Problem in "Save As" dialog when pressing "Save
As" button on Mounting Wizard panel:
 Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it :
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  File List |  List
of file names. } 
BTW: There should not be ":" character in dialog

On PVCS Profile panel in Mounting Wizard, press
first "Select" button for invoking "Select Project
Database" dialog, here is list of problems:
 No Accessible description :
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Browse... |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JRadioButton {  Pick a
Database In Subfolder Of: |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JRadioButton {  Select a
Database Used By PVCS GUI |  } 
 Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it :
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  Database List | 
List of databases. } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  Database
Location Path Text Field |  Set path to locate
database. }
Comment 1 David Kaspar 2004-01-21 15:33:18 UTC
Additional issue:
In VCS FS Customizer switch to Advanced tab
In the middle of panel there is JLabel with your OS name after JLabel
with "Your Current Operating System Is:" text.
ERROR - JLabel with OS name should be read-only JTextField.
Comment 2 Jaromir Uhrik 2004-05-26 16:34:00 UTC
Increasing the priority - this is at least P3 issue(see a11y bug
priorities guidelines: ).
Comment 3 Richard Gregor 2004-08-12 13:06:58 UTC
This one seems to be already fixed as a result of recent A11Y
bugfixing effort.