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Bug 27666

Summary: Module fails to load when installed simultaneously with dependencies
Product: platform Reporter: _ briansmith <briansmith>
Component: AutoupdateAssignee: akemr <akemr>
Severity: blocker CC: jglick
Priority: P3 Keywords: THREAD
Version: 3.x   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Windows ME/2000   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:
Attachments: ide.log with -J-Dorg.netbeans.core.modules=0

Description _ briansmith 2002-09-28 08:02:11 UTC
When installing two modules, one of which depends
on the other, via manually downloaded NBM files,
sometimes it is successful, but sometimes I get:

Could not install some modules:
Simple MOF Notation - The module named
org.brianlsmith.smn.mdr/1 was needed and not found

I set this as high priority because this has
direct user impact, potentially affecting even
standard NetBeans modules available from autoupdate.

Detailed Description:
I have two modules, both of which are unsigned,
and both of which have needsrestart=false. One is
an autoload module "org.brianlsmith.smn.mdr/1."
("Simple MOF Notation Library") The other one is a
regular module "org.brianlsmith.smn.netbeans/1"
("Simple MOF Notation"). "Simple MOF Notation" has
a declared dependency on "Simple MOF Notation
Library" which autoupdate obviously knows about
(Because, if I choose "Simple MOF Notation",
"Simple MOF Notation Library is automatically
selected for me).

What appears to be happening is this:
Autoupdate writes the module XML file for
org.netbeans.core.modules notices that the module
XML file was added and tries to install and enable
org.brianlsmith.smn.netbeans/1. However, the
enabling fails because org.brianlsmith.smn.mdr/1
hasn't beeing installed yet, and an error is
displayed to the user. Then
org.brianlsmith.smn.mdr/1 is installed.

Now, if I enable org.brianlsmith.smn.netbeans/1
manually it gets enabled without any problem.

Note that the problem doesn't happen every time. I
think that if autoupdate writes
org.brianlsmith.smn.mdr/1's module XML file first,
then org.brianlsmith.smn.netbeans/1 gets installed
correctly. But, the opposite way does not work.

So, possible solutions seem to be:
1. For all regular (not autoload, not eager)
modules, write the module XML file with
"enabled=false". Then, go back after all the
module manifests have been written and try to
enable all those modules. 

2. Write the module XML files in an order such
that a module's XML file is never written before
the XML file for a module it depends on. I worry
that this is a very brittle solution because it
depends on org.netbeans.core.modules to always
install/enable modules in the order it received
their "module XML file created" events.

3. Perhaps, org.netbeans.modules.core should not
automatically enable modules when processing
"module XML file created" events? If the core
doesn't automatocally enable the module when its
"module XML file created" event is received, then
the files could be written exactly how they are
now (i.e. enabled="true" in the XML), and then
autoupdate would loop back through the modules and
enable them manually via the API. This is the
approach that I like, but I don't know what other
parts of NetBeans besides autoupdate depend on the
core automatocally enabling the module when the
module's XML file is written.

I have attached my ide.log, cut down to the the
relavent messages. I set
-Dorg.netbeans.core.modules=0 in ide.cfg to get
this log, and I also added a lot message in line 282 so I could see when/where
the error was coming from.
Comment 1 _ briansmith 2002-09-28 08:04:15 UTC
Created attachment 7551 [details]
ide.log with -J-Dorg.netbeans.core.modules=0
Comment 2 akemr 2002-09-30 08:32:34 UTC
I vote for 2. option (installing in dependency order).
Slightly decreasing the priority (because existing workaround),
however I'll work on this issue the problem immediately.
Comment 3 akemr 2002-09-30 12:39:48 UTC
Fixed in trunk.

AU writes now Modules/*.xml files in proper order of dependency.
Comment 4 Jesse Glick 2002-10-02 20:46:30 UTC
I don't think #2 is brittle. The module system will try to process
file events as they come in; note that it can get a batch of them at
once. If there are several new XML files all saying "enabled", AFAIK
it will first create all the modules, then enable them all in order -
at least ModuleList is written to work in this way. (The unit test
does not yet cover this, however.)

My *guess* is that this bug was caused by the filesystem actually
delivering the creation event(s) for the dependent XML files before
the event(s) for the base XML files, which of course cannot work. This
seems to be supported by the log file, which delivers the second file
change event after ML has already started processing the first.
Perhaps AU creates each new XML file in its own
FileSystem.AtomicAction - that will prevent ModuleList from knowing
that all the modules should be installed "together".
Comment 5 _ briansmith 2002-10-13 20:55:54 UTC
This is not fixed completely yet. The problem is "better" now in that
it doesn't happen nearly as often, but it still does occur. The times
I have noticed it, it was my non-autoload module depending on my
autoload module, with my non-autoload module not being able to start
because it thought that the autoload module wouldn't start.

I think I can produce a testcase for this that is more likely to show
the problem, by creating a large number of "fake" modules with
interdependcies that can then all be built into nbm's for testing. I
will work on it in a few days...
Comment 6 _ briansmith 2002-10-13 20:57:11 UTC
I meant: "...with my non-autoload module not being able to start
because it thought that the autoload module was not installed."
Comment 7 akemr 2002-10-14 09:19:08 UTC
OK, probably I should create all XML files in one

Comment 8 akemr 2002-10-21 12:39:56 UTC
Fixed in trunk.
AU now creates all Modules/*.xml files in one FileSystem.AtomicAction
Comment 9 _ briansmith 2002-10-27 07:26:55 UTC
Thanks, I haven't noticed this problem at all in the last week.

Probably the 3.4.1_CANDIDATE status of this bug should match issue
27600, especially since it is unlikely that somebody is going to
install an autoload module without also installing a module that
depends on it. I.e. either both should have it or neither should have it.

Comment 10 Jesse Glick 2002-10-27 15:41:15 UTC
Brian, if you can confirm that the bug appears to be fixed in dev
builds, please mark it VERIFIED.

Did you see this bug in 3.4, or only in pre-4.0 dev builds? If you
think it happens also in 3.4, please change the Version field to 3.4
and feel free to add the 3.4.1_CANDIDATE keyword to it.

Thanks for detailed bug reports!

Marking with THREAD keyword since the bug appears to involve a race
Comment 11 Lukas Hasik 2003-05-14 08:55:24 UTC