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Bug 250467

Summary: "Show SQL Script for INSERT" Doesn't Include All Columns
Product: db Reporter: olehoppe <olehoppe>
Component: Show DataAssignee: matthias42
Severity: normal    
Priority: P3    
Version: -FFJ-   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Linux   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description olehoppe 2015-02-17 16:07:02 UTC
Product Version = NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 (Build 201411181905)
Operating System = Linux version 3.16.7-7-desktop running on amd64
Java; VM; Vendor = 1.7.0_72
Runtime = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.72-b04


When creating SQL script  for inserting rows from a query result not all columns are included. Steps to reproduce:

1) Create table on PostgreSQL 9.3 database.

create sequence customers_email start with 1;

create table customers (
	id serial,
	firstName varchar(255),
	middleInitials varchar(8),
	lastName varchar(255),
	address1 varchar(255),
	address2 varchar(255),
	city varchar(255),
	state varchar(8),
	zip integer,
	zipExt integer,
	country varchar(8),
	phone varchar(255),
	eMail varchar(255) not null default 'dummy-' || nextval('customers_email') || '',
	eMailValid smallint not null default 1,
	wantsCatalog smallint not null default 0,
	wantsENews smallint not null default 0,
	wantsEReceipt smallint not null default 0,
	wantsEInfo smallint not null default 0,
	wantsEOffers smallint not null default 0,
	birthMonth smallint,
	birthDay smallint,
	isRewardsClubMember smallint not null default 0,
	createdAt timestamp not null default now(),
	modifiedAt timestamp not null default now(),
	primary key (id)

create unique index idx_customers_email on customers(eMail);
create unique index idx_customers_name_zip on customers (firstname, lastname, zip, zipext);
create unique index idx_customers_name_zip_2 on customers (firstname, lastname, zip) where (zipext is null);

2) Insert some rows.

insert into customers (firstName, lastname, address1, city, state, zip, phone, eMail) values
	('First1', 'Last1', 'Addr1', 'City1', 'ST', 12345, '123-456-7890', '');
insert into customers (firstName, lastname, address1, city, state, zip, phone, eMail) values
	('First2', 'Last2', 'Addr2', 'City2', 'ST', 23456, '234-567-8901', '');

3) Select rows.

select * from customers;

4) Highlight all rows with Ctrl+A, right-click on them and click "Show SQL Script for INSERT".

INSERT INTO customers (firstname, middleinitials, lastname, address1, address2, city, "state", zip, zipext, country, phone, emailvalid, wantscatalog, wantsenews, wantsereceipt, wantseinfo, wantseoffers, birthmonth, birthday, isrewardsclubmember, createdat, modifiedat) 
	VALUES ('First1', NULL, 'Last1', 'Addr1', NULL, 'City1', 'ST', 12345, NULL, NULL, '123-456-7890', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, '2015-02-17 09:58:21.573113', '2015-02-17 09:58:21.573113');
INSERT INTO customers (firstname, middleinitials, lastname, address1, address2, city, "state", zip, zipext, country, phone, emailvalid, wantscatalog, wantsenews, wantsereceipt, wantseinfo, wantseoffers, birthmonth, birthday, isrewardsclubmember, createdat, modifiedat) 
	VALUES ('First2', NULL, 'Last2', 'Addr2', NULL, 'City2', 'ST', 23456, NULL, NULL, '234-567-8901', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, '2015-02-17 09:58:48.138743', '2015-02-17 09:58:48.138743');

Notice, column "eMail" is not included.
Comment 1 matthias42 2015-03-07 17:02:42 UTC
Thank you for your report. I know that "It's not a bug, but a feature" sounds lame, but here it is the case.

This is what happens:

When generating the insert, the columns are enumerated and checked whther they are autoincrement values or "normal" values. Autoincrement values are not part of the insert (for example derby does not allow inserts into autoincrement columns).

In your case you might be faced with a bug in the postgresql driver. The relevant section is this:

boolean autoIncrement = rsMeta.isAutoIncrement(i);

This returns true for your email column. If you run this code:

                Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
                Statement statement = con.createStatement();
                ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("select * FROM customers");
                ) {
            ResultSetMetaData meta = result.getMetaData();
            for(int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++) {

you get this:

#	column	autoincrement
1	id	true
2	firstname	false
3	middleinitials	false
4	lastname	false
5	address1	false
6	address2	false
7	city	false
8	state	false
9	zip	false
10	zipext	false
11	country	false
12	phone	false
13	email	true
14	emailvalid	false
15	wantscatalog	false
16	wantsenews	false
17	wantsereceipt	false
18	wantseinfo	false
19	wantseoffers	false
20	birthmonth	false
21	birthday	false
22	isrewardsclubmember	false
23	createdat	false
24	modifiedat	false

This is plainly not true - email is _not_ autoincrement, although it could be argued, that it is generated.