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Bug 206430

Summary: Support multiple servers in single domain
Product: serverplugins Reporter: matsa <matsa>
Component: WebLogicAssignee: Petr Hejl <phejl>
Severity: normal CC: pjiricka
Priority: P2    
Version: 7.0.1   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: ENHANCEMENT Exception Reporter:

Description matsa 2011-12-15 10:02:48 UTC
In screenshots/screencasts for earlier version of NetBeans it looks as though you are offered the choice of which server port to use. Why has this been removed and why does it pick the wrong port?
Comment 1 matsa 2011-12-16 08:48:06 UTC
My first description was a little quick and unhelpful. I'll try again:

My WebLogic server had two instances defined: the AdminServer on port 7001 and another on 7003. When I added it to NetBeans it chose 7001 and I could only direct it to 7003 by altering the port manually in %USERDIR%\.netbeans\7.0\config\J2EE\InstalledServers\.nbattrs.

So, I am wondering how NetBeans selects this port and why I'm not allowed to specify the port in the server wizard myself.
Comment 2 Petr Hejl 2012-04-02 09:21:10 UTC
The deployment to domain with multiple servers has not been implemented so far though it might work (at least in certain areas).

When you change the port manually does everything works ok? Which areas have you tested?
Comment 3 matsa 2012-04-02 12:01:14 UTC
It's been a while since I set this up, but I had an issue with credentials. NetBeans would just hang when WebLogic prompted for credentials. I solved this by consulting and implemented a file. I'm not sure if this is related to my changing of the port or is in some way related to the production/development mode setting presented during the WebLogic installer.

That hurdle climbed, I could start/deploy/undeploy/restart/stop and deploy projects in both normal and debug modes. This was everything I required for my development. If there is something specific you would have me test, let me know, and I will do so over easter break.

I welcome full fledged support for multiple servers in single domain. :)
Comment 4 Petr Hejl 2014-09-05 09:53:57 UTC
This is really old issue so I'm not really sure what is it about. Do you mean multiple servers in single domain or multiple domains?
Comment 5 Petr Hejl 2014-09-05 09:55:59 UTC
Ok my bad. Multiple servers. What is the motivation to direct NetBeans to the other server? The admin server is used for domain admin operations. What is the particular reason to use the other one? Thanks.