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Bug 163594

Summary: A11Y problems in Find Issues panel
Product: connecteddeveloper Reporter: Jaromir Uhrik <juhrik>
Component: BugzillaAssignee: Tomas Stupka <tstupka>
Severity: blocker CC: jstola
Priority: P3 Keywords: A11Y
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: All   
OS: Windows XP   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description Jaromir Uhrik 2009-04-24 13:59:51 UTC
Product Version: NetBeans IDE Dev (Build 200904230201)
Java: 1.6.0_11; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 11.0-b16
System: Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86; Cp1252; en_US (nb)

A11y-tester points to the following a11y problems in Find Issues panel:

Tested Window title :  Find Issues
 No Accessible name :
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 

 No Accessible description :
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  ... |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Go To Issue |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Search |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  Assigned to |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  CC |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  Commenter |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  Reporter |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  Issue Tracker: |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JComboBox {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.ui.query.QueryTopComponent$QueryButton {  All Issues |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.ui.query.QueryTopComponent$QueryButton {  My Issues |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.util.LinkButton {  Create Query as URL |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.util.LinkButton {  New |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.util.LinkButton {  Open web Query |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.util.LinkButton {  Save this query |  } 

 Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it :
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JList {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  |  } 

 Components with no mnemonic :
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  ... |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Go To Issue |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Search |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  Assigned to |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  CC |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  Commenter |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  Reporter |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JLabel {  Issue Tracker: |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.ui.query.QueryTopComponent$QueryButton {  All Issues |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.ui.query.QueryTopComponent$QueryButton {  My Issues |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.util.LinkButton {  Create Query as URL |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.util.LinkButton {  New |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.util.LinkButton {  Open web Query |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.bugtracking.util.LinkButton {  Save this query |  }
Comment 1 Jan Stola 2009-05-07 17:34:32 UTC

Modified files:

Note that a11y checker still complains about some problems:
* some components do not have mnemonics
- this cannot be fixed because there is too many components

* Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it :
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  Comment |  N/A }
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  Keywords |  N/A }
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  Summary |  N/A }
   Class: javax.swing.JTextField {  Username |  N/A }
- These are the text-fields in 'Find issues by text' and 'Find by people' sections. There are no labels that could 
point to these text-field.