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Bug 122351

Summary: Starting second instance with desktop launcher icon gives no info
Product: platform Reporter: thomanie <thomanie>
Component: Window SystemAssignee: David Simonek <dsimonek>
Severity: blocker CC: jtulach
Priority: P4    
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: Sun   
OS: Solaris   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description thomanie 2007-11-20 08:22:48 UTC
NB 6.0 RC 1, Solaris 10, Sun JVM.

When starting *two instances* of NB 6.0 RC 1 from the commandline, the second instance gives window focus to first
instance (and sometimes?) prints a "Running instance updated" message one the commandline.

But it switches window focus *only* if the previous NB instance is running on the *same* workspace. Starting the second
instance from a shell in another workspace results in getting a new prompt, no window focus change, and no message.

When starting *two instances* of NB 6.0 RC 1 from a desktop launcher icon, the second instance *apparently* does
nothing, as the printed text is (probably) piped to a log. There is no window focus change in this scenario either, even
from the same workspace.

It would be far better if the second instance gave a popup telling the user that NB is already running, and that focus
will be passed to the running instance. This popup could originate from the first instance.

Rationale behind filing this as a defect is that the user will repetively click the desktop icon, or attempt to start NB
from the commandline, if he wanted two NB instances (for whatever reason). To the user it seems nothing is happening on
the second start.
Comment 2 thomanie 2007-11-22 13:10:13 UTC
Referring to the proposal, this issue is a either a defect or a necessary enhancment to the implementation of
Requirement 1, more specifically the method used to "warn" the user.
Comment 3 Jaroslav Tulach 2007-11-29 09:37:02 UTC
This needs to be handled by windowsystem, it has (nearly) nothing to do with CLI. If the main window already visible, 
then it should be fronted, unminimized, the current desktop shall either be switched to the one that contains the 
netbeans window or the netbeans window should be brought to current desktop.

The code needs to be placed to
and verified that it works on various OS and desktop environments.

Btw. we are able to accept patches, so thomanie, feel free to experiment the the code in CLIOptions2, so your are 
satisified and then attach here a patch.
Comment 4 Quality Engineering 2009-12-21 06:46:05 UTC
This bug was reported against NetBeans IDE 6.0 or an older release, or against a non-maintained module. NetBeans team does not have enough resources to get to this issue, therefore we are closing the issue as a WONTFIX. If you are interested in providing a patch for this bug, please see our NetFIX guidelines for how to proceed. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you.
The NetBeans Team