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Bug 116449

Summary: Update Java abbreviations for 6.0
Product: java Reporter: _ tboudreau <tboudreau>
Component: EditorAssignee: _ tboudreau <tboudreau>
Severity: blocker CC: alexlamsl, dstrupl, geertjan, gsporar, jglick, jlahoda, jrojcek, msauer, olangr, phrebejk, pkeegan, psuchomel, tor
Priority: P1    
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: ENHANCEMENT Exception Reporter:
Bug Depends on: 179805    
Bug Blocks:    
Attachments: Patch to defaultAbbrevs.xml
Updated diff for 6.7 w/ new file layout and improvements
Final diff w/ nb-development-specific changes removed - they can go in apisupport
Really final patch this time - noticed two duplicates (sort/csort, 2nl/2arl) when I was documenting. sort and 2arl removed

Description _ tboudreau 2007-09-23 21:49:13 UTC
I am attaching a patch with some updates to the Java abbreviations.  This is driven by two reasons:
 - Some abbreviations need updating to take advantage of new editor features in 6.0 (for example, there is no reason 'wh' should only insert 'while(' when it 
can do the whole block and template the expression)
 - Now that Tab is the default key for expanding abbreviations, there is much more flexibility for what characters can be used for abbreviations - we no 
longer have the "we'return" problem that word endings will be expanded as abbreviations

Here is a summary of the changes:
tw (throw an existing throwable) now tries to find a Throwable instance in scope
twn (throw a new exception) defaults to IllegalStateException, which is templated.
wh (previously generated "while (") now generates a full while loop [this probably means we should delete whilexp, which does something similar but uses 
Boolean not boolean with ugly results].
sw (previously generated "switch(") now generates a full switch statement with one empty case statement and a default case of throwing an AssertionError, 
and looks for a java.lang.Enum for its argument

cs - generates an individual case statement
2arr - create an array from a collection in scope
2arl - create an ArrayList from an array in scope
2l - create a List from an array in scope
2s - create a Set from an array in scope
sort - sort a collection in scope
asort - sort an array in scope
csort - create a copy of a collection in scope and sort it
map - create a HashMap in a new variable of type Map
set - create a new HashSet in a new variable of type Set
arl - create a new ArrayList in a new variable of type List
ll - create a new LinkedList in a new variable of type List
spl - invoke String.split() on a string in scope
rn - return null;
ps - private static
Ps - public static
pf - private final 
Pf - public final
m - generate a method skeleton, with templated access, return type, name and args
Pfm - generate a public method skeleton, with return type, method name and args templated
pfm - same as Pfm but private
prfm - same as Pfm but protected, not public
prfm - same as Pfm but protected, not public
pm - same as m but access is private
pcm - Create an inner class with a method skeleton

NetBeans-specific added templates - would be nice if apisupport could deliver them, but they are harmless enough here:
Nbb - NbBundle.getMessage (getClass(), "${key}");
Nbbb - Same as nbb, but with additional arguments for formatted strings
lkp - get an object from a Lookup in scope
Lkp - get an object from the default lookup
lka - get a collection of objects from a Lookup in scope
Lka - get a collection of objects from a Lookup in scope
lkr - get a Lookup.Result from a Lookup in scope
Lkr - same as lkr but using the default lookup
lko - Lookup an object on a Lookup.Provider in scope

Given that these do not involve code changes, it would be nice to try to get them into 6.0 or a java editor update shortly after.
Comment 1 _ tboudreau 2007-09-23 21:49:54 UTC
Created attachment 49328 [details]
Patch to defaultAbbrevs.xml
Comment 2 Petr Hrebejk 2007-09-24 10:44:08 UTC
I'm little bit scared of all those two letters templates. For tab is probably OK but when someone switches back to space ...
Comment 3 _ tboudreau 2007-09-25 01:01:09 UTC
Well, which is more valuable - the productivity a lot of users get from very useful short templates, or the ability to switch back to space for long time users?  I 
don't know that there is a right answer to that question - certainly not one that will make 100% of people happy.
Comment 4 Torbjorn Norbye 2007-09-25 01:40:07 UTC
I think will all the new editing functionality, people will alter their workflow anyway.

People who are experienced enough to go and actually modify the expansion key will also be savvy enough to go and rip
out the templates that they don't intend to expand.

Now that we're no longer expanding on space, we can put some more useful names on some of the abbreviations.
"trycatch" should be renamed to just "try". We should have a "class" abbreviation which inserts a class skeleton.  "iff"
should be renamed to "if".

Also, here's my own contribution: the following two snippets were used at the JavaOne keynote demo.

"jpaem" -> inserts a JPA (Java Persistence Architecture) entity manager lookup.
"jpaq" -> inserts a JPA Query

Both take advantage of the semantic parameters available to code templates to find entity managers in scope etc.

    <abbrev key="jpaq" xml:space="preserve">${Query default="Query" editable="false" type="javax.persistence.Query"}
${query newVarName} = ${em instanceof="javax.persistence.EntityManager"}.createQuery("select ${p} from ${table}
    <abbrev key="jpaem" xml:space="preserve">${EntityManager default="EntityManager" editable="false"
type="javax.persistence.EntityManager"} ${entityManager newVarName} =
            ${Persistence default="Persistence" editable="false"

Comment 5 _ tboudreau 2007-09-25 02:21:01 UTC
> "jpaem" -> inserts a JPA (Java Persistence Architecture) entity manager lookup.

One thing I was thinking about:  It would be nice if a project (or more specifically, a web framework on a web project) could provide some custom templates.  
For example, I can think of tons of useful templates for Wicket - since doing almost anything involves writing one inner class that overrides one method.  But 
having all of this stuff defined by default would start to get pretty big.

Food for thought?
Comment 6 _ tboudreau 2007-09-25 02:23:27 UTC
Btw, also of interest:  issue 116451, and one other issue I filed, regarding being able to specify the generic parameters of an object in scope (i.e. if a template 
that creates a HashSet from a List <String> should auto-detect <String> - no way to do this currently).
Comment 7 Torbjorn Norbye 2007-09-25 02:55:55 UTC
I'm interested in that myself. The Ruby module registers 160 code templates. But for RSpec development, I have a
separate module which adds some functionality - and 60 more code templates. I was trying to "add" these templates into
the mimetype but recently realized they weren't adding, they were -replacing- the base templates. I don't know if
there's way to add in templates for a mimetype; what is "Defaults" in the below registration, and what happens if I
supply something else? Are code templates themed?

                <folder name="CodeTemplates">
                    <folder name="Defaults">
                        <file name="codetemplates.xml" url="codetemplates.xml">
Comment 8 _ tboudreau 2007-10-08 14:23:15 UTC
After chatting with Hrebejk, we settled on the following ones as being viable for 6.0:

map (rename to hmap) - create a HashMap in a new variable of type Map
set -  (rename to hset) - create a new HashSet in a new variable of type Set
arl - create a new ArrayList in a new variable of type List
ll - create a new LinkedList in a new variable of type List
spl - invoke String.split() on a string in scope
rn - return null;
ps - private static
Ps - public static
pf - private final 
Pf - public final

I will attach a patch with only these, and a patch for apisupport for the NB-specific ones.
Comment 9 _ tboudreau 2007-10-08 14:26:03 UTC
BTW, a note and a correction.

Tor:  You can have a module add additional code templates - just add your own XML file to the CodeTemplates/Defaults folder for your MIME type.  If it does 
not duplicate the original file's name, it should get picked up.

Correction:  The NbBundle abbreviations are nbb and nbbb (probably will not include the latter), not Nbb, etc.
Comment 10 Miloslav Metelka 2007-10-09 10:02:50 UTC
As mentioned by Hrebejk already I use SPACE for expansion too.
I'm wondering whether "ll" will have enough usage (I personally use LinkedList much less often than ArrayList since it
does not support binary searches efficiently).
I hope that "rn" is not commonly used variable name :)
Due to my SPACE expansion I would also prefer "hmap" and "hset" over "map" and "set".
Comment 11 jrojcek 2007-10-11 10:00:01 UTC
I'm fine with the change for 6.0.

A general note about abbreviations. We should use simple abbreviations and don't look at potential problems caused to users who use the space key for 
expansion. There's already many abbreviation that are problematic for space expansion and we really want to make the default behavior as productive as 

I also support modifying the simple abbreviations as proposed by Tim (tw,  wh, ...) and simplification as proposed by Tor (iff -> if, ...). Probably not for 6.0 as 
it's too late.
Comment 12 Jiri Prox 2008-04-11 00:51:57 UTC
moving opened issues from TM <= 6.1 to TM=Dev
Comment 13 _ tboudreau 2008-10-20 23:26:40 UTC
Any chance of doing this for 7.0?
Comment 14 _ tboudreau 2009-07-20 07:53:38 UTC
Created attachment 84916 [details]
Updated diff for 6.7 w/ new file layout and improvements
Comment 15 _ tboudreau 2009-07-20 07:56:40 UTC
Unless somebody in my management chain screams extremely loudly in the next two days, I am simply going to apply this
patch.  We've discussed and agreed that it would be a good idea for 6.5, then for 6.7, and it is still not there.  

These added and improved additions provide huge convenience to users, and as a side effect, make them less likely to be
happy in any other IDE once they know them.  This should not have taken two years to do.
Comment 16 _ tboudreau 2009-07-20 20:38:55 UTC
Created attachment 84950 [details]
Final diff w/ nb-development-specific changes removed - they can go in apisupport
Comment 17 _ gsporar 2009-07-21 00:46:35 UTC
Sounds good Tim, but... is there a plan for getting these added to the documentation?
Comment 18 _ tboudreau 2009-07-21 02:55:06 UTC
Well, that's a good question.  I don't know if docs currently generates the keyboard shortcuts PDF, or if it's done
manually.  I'm happy to describe the additions;  actually, the diff, if you're willing to read it, is pretty
self-explanatory.  I added a few since the original patch;  also the NetBeans-specific ones are now in a separate issue
for apisupport.

sw - existed before; now generates a complete skeleton switch statement, not just the word "switch"
cs - generates skeleton switch but without default: throw new AssertionError or initial case statement
2arr - converts a collection to an array in a new variable;  will automatically use the first collection in scope if
there is one
2l - converts an array to a list using Arrays.asList() in a new variable
2arl - converts an array to a mutable list in a new variable - i.e. List<Foo> l = new ArrayList<Foo>(Arrays.asList(arr));
2s - converts an array to a Set using Arrays.asList() and HashSet()
asort - calls Arrays.sort() on the nearest array in scope
csort - calls Collections.sort() on the nearest list in scope
map - create a new typed hashmap assigned to a local variable
set - create a new typed hashset assigned to a local variable
ll - create a new typed LinkedList
al - create a new typed ArrayList
rn - return null;
f - final
ps - private static
Ps - public static
pf - private final
Pf - public final
spl - call iterate over String.split() on a string in scope with default (settable) pattern ","
n - same as existing newo template - generate ${type} var = new ${type}(|)
Pm - new public method skeleton
pm - new private method skeleton
...pfm, psm, pfsm, prm, prfm, prfsm - same pattern - pr for private, s for static, f for final, all generate method
m - completely templated new method - i.e. you can overtype or delete - it generates private static final method
skeleton;  more flexible but more typing
ic - inner class skeleton w/ constructor
same pattern for pfc, psfc (i.e. private static final class...), sc, sfc, fc;  cl - completely templated skeleton class
(i.e. all modifiers templated - again, more typing but flexible);  cli - same as cl + implements clause

fixed broken definition of "bcom" template

Comment 19 _ tboudreau 2009-07-21 18:35:42 UTC
Created attachment 85031 [details]
Really final patch this time - noticed two duplicates (sort/csort, 2nl/2arl) when I was documenting.  sort and 2arl removed
Comment 20 _ tboudreau 2010-01-14 18:45:52 UTC
Any chance of this for 6.9?

Or, to rephrase...if I simply integrate this patch, say, tomorrow, is anybody actually going to get upset?
Comment 21 David Strupl 2010-01-15 00:50:36 UTC
Adding Ondrej to Cc:. Otherwise the list already on Cc: for this bug is quite representative I think. If everyone is ok with this I guess you can go ahead.
Comment 22 _ tboudreau 2010-01-21 21:02:12 UTC
Fixed, along with #167824, #108167, #173652, #173851, #101131 and #173655 in 
main/ 4beffcfd4006
Comment 23 Quality Engineering 2010-01-24 08:42:47 UTC
Integrated into 'main-golden', will be available in build *201001240200* on (upload may still be in progress)
User: Tim Boudreau <>
Log: #116449, #167824, #108167, #173652, #173851, #101131, #173655 - additional Java editor hints, enhancements to existing ones, addition of module development-specific hints in apisupport.project