This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
136273 2 0 -- Other -- blocker P3 TBD i-Mode - DoJa support
239987 2 0 Editor normal P3 8.2 "@return $this" in phpDoc
221331 3 0 CSS Editor normal P1 7.3 "Action Items" tab makes C/C++ IDE unusable (PropertyDefinition.CACHE 1.5Gb RAM)
197584 2 0 Hints normal P2 7.0.1 "Cast ... to Object[]" hint gives bad code
200742 2 0 Hints normal P3 7.4 "Change to import" offers wrong class name
48742 2 0 Unsupported blocker P3 4.x "Class not found in index" exception being thrown
175244 2 0 JUnit blocker P3 TBD "Create class com/foo/" action when handling with test-class "com/foo/"
203710 3 0 CDI normal P2 7.2 "Crete Beans.xml" warning appears when a beans.xml exists
164290 2 0 Filesystems blocker P4 6.x "Externally deleted file" from FileUtil.isArchiveFile(URL)
165021 2 0 GlassFish blocker P3 6.x "Failed to start" message is shown upon the first start of server
95203 2 0 Search blocker P2 7.0.1 "File has changed since the start of the search"
188185 8 0 Search normal P2 7.0 "Find in Projects" returns duplicate results in the "Search Results" window
35499 2 0 Search blocker P4 3.x "Find" item in disabled
131223 2 0 Text-Edit blocker P3 6.x "Format" action (Ctrl-Shift-F) in XML files ignores text selection
64941 6 0 Code blocker P3 5.x "Go To --> Class..." disabled
56204 4 0 Completion & Templates blocker P3 4.x "IAE: Can't add attribute to 0-length text" when invoking code completion on "org.openide.util.enum."
241344 3 0 Hints normal P3 8.0 "Initializer can be static" hint given when it is invalid and produces broken code.
170856 2 0 Javadoc blocker P4 8.2 "Javadoc missing" for an overridden method
191176 2 0 Maven normal P2 7.0 "Misconfigured maven project" when property exists in system-scoped dependency's systemPath
220417 2 0 Actions/Menu/Toolbar normal P2 7.3 "Navigate|goto-declaration (Ctrl+B)" in context menu

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The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into ASF Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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