This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
227232 65 0 Code normal P2 TBD unknown: LowPerformance took 20971 ms.
218475 55 0 Dialogs&Wizards normal P2 7.3 AssertionError at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard.updateState
60740 44 0 Window System blocker P2 5.x AIOOBE during opening a new project
190319 43 0 Filesystems normal P1 7.0 Assert in FolderObj.getChildren(
196228 41 0 Code Model normal P2 7.3 Code model repository is unstable
211962 40 0 JAX-WS normal P1 7.2 NoClassDefFoundError: org/openide/util/Enumerations$1RDupls due to use of WebServices
46813 40 0 Filesystems blocker P1 6.x NetBeans does not support UNC paths
191620 39 0 Painting & Printing normal P1 7.0 AssertionError: limitOffset=73006 > docTextLength=72974
184854 37 0 Filesystems normal P2 6.x Two valid FileObjects for the same FileNaming
197534 36 0 Painting & Printing normal P2 7.1 Improve efficiency of HighlightingManager together with View Hierarchy
202588 35 0 Painting & Printing normal P2 7.1 [71cat] NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib2.view.ViewChildren.startVisualOffset
171410 32 0 Code blocker P2 6.x AWT thread blocked by Annotator.annotateName / annotateIcon
160377 32 0 Code blocker P2 6.x EQ frozen loading form
64283 32 0 Code blocker P2 5.x [50cat] A javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
170541 31 0 Editor blocker P3 7.3 Re-evaluate status of the 'experimental' hints
48288 30 0 Code blocker P1 6.x Integrate form editor with refactoring
35870 30 0 Code blocker P2 3.x [JDK1.5.0] NPE from JavaCodeGenerator.generateListenerAddCode
213926 28 0 JDK Problems normal P2 7.2 Deadlock between PostEventQueue.noEvents, EventQueue.isDispatchThread and SwingUtilities.invokeLater
63195 27 0 Unsupported blocker P3 5.x CCE from AssignmentImpl.initChildren on source with errors
236101 25 0 JDK Problems normal P1 TBD NetBeans IDE becomes unresponsive

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What are "Most Frequently Reported Bugs"?

The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into ASF Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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