This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Wed May 1 2024 19:53:06 UTC
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15 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
118466 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- Add 'copy' feature to navigator pane 2011-09-01
123106 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- Rewrite Navigator listener reactions 2011-09-01
129558 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- Use MIME lookup to register navigator panels 2012-09-22
232731 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- navigator tab name should be "Navigator - ..." and is inconsistent with Projects tab name 2013-07-17
236914 platform Navigato JPESKA REOP --- Properties show as Ant Targets in Navigator 2013-12-19
244862 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- Navigator displays structure for the wrong file 2014-07-14
249803 platform Navigato JPESKA REOP --- Support ctrl-arrows when renaming files on the navigator 2015-03-03
254990 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Panel is not available for activation: org.netbeans.modules.navigator.LazyPanel@4aebc04e 2015-09-07
262461 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.cheat.sheet.CodeTemplatesTopComponent.resultChanged 2016-06-17
268943 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- "Go to Type" should treat numbers like upper-case letters 2016-11-11
269268 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- Pressing Enter when searching in Navigator does not focus the editor 2016-12-08
269701 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.docbook.DocBookNavigatorPanel.panelDeactivated 2017-02-01
270239 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.docbook.DocBookNavigatorPanel.panelDeactivated 2017-03-29
243724 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- org.openide.nodes.FilterNode$FilterLookup$ProxyResult.updateLookup: LowPerformance took 100659 ms. 2017-05-18
271198 platform Navigato JPESKA NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Wrong format of mind map, end of header is not found 2017-07-30
15 bugs found.
