#181523: Export Code Completion Mar 15, 2010: Mila (MM), Vita (VS), Martin Entlicher (ME), Jarda (Y) VS: Will solve just 181523 problem. ME: We need one line editor, like a text field API. MM: text.limit.line visible bad ME: Make better API for that! Y: TCR make an API: A property on JTextComponent to disable visual limit indication. VS: #1 thing: join a JTextComponent with FileObject, there is a dialogBinding API use that API. We'll make it work for you. Instead of offset, pass in a line. VS: TCR: dialogBinding shall be able to work with line not only offset (and FileObject) Y: Return true false, if the document is not found. VS: #2 thing: Some features on the compoentn need to be disabled (limit line). ME: The best would be to have a method to disable all decorations. MM: There is NbDocument.CustomEditor and decorations could be on only turned by that Y: Having explicit method to enable decorations like DialogBindings.decorations(boolean onOff, ) at least leaves the decision on the client of the API VS: We are looking for unified API for everyone who wants to create an editor in the future. Y: Right now put something into DialogsBindings in future you can deprecate the class and move the methods into UniversalBindings ME: Better would be EditorFactory Y: Better to be EditorBuilder (if it is not changable). VS: Can this be changed on existing pane or not? ME: I need to replace bidnging offset and file on existing component. VS: But you don't need to change the visual aspects of the editor! Y: EditorBuilder is back in the game! MM: But it shall work on JTextPane as well (or not). MM: We could do instance of and if the instance is JTextField then we would treat it especially (disable decorations) ME: That would be perfect! It took me long time to simulate JTextField with JEditorPane. If this worked all problems would be gone. VS: There is no EditorKit.install on JTextField. Y: Looks like nice idea but too much work. Let's seek for something simpler for 6.9. VS: TCR: We'll add putClientProperty support for 6.9 so ME is happy. VS: TCA: We will do it for all other reasonable UI settings as well. When they are discovered. ME: And there is the last JScrollable createOneLineEditor(JEditorPane). Where do we put this? MM: JTextField has set scroll offset, but the editor kit needs to use it. Now it does not. Y: You can put the createOneLineEditor (returning JComponent) and make it do what it does currently in future you can reimplement it to be nicer (without JScrollable, for example). Just slightly warn in Javadoc that the impl can change. ================ TCR make an API: A property on JTextComponent to disable visual limit indication. TCR: dialogBinding shall be able to work with line not only offset (and FileObject) TCR: We'll add putClientProperty support for 6.9 so ME is happy. TCA: We will do it for all other reasonable UI settings as well. When they are discovered. TCR: JComponent createOneLineEditor(JEditorPane) in editor API