/** * Mike Cox initially created this as a derivative of the the * {@link org.wonderly.swing.ComponentUpdateThread} class. */ package org.wonderly.swing; import java.awt.Component; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.security.AccessControlContext; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.security.PrivilegedActionException; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.security.auth.Subject; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; /** * This class is a SwingWorker kind of class which provides method names * and behaviors like SwingWorker, but extends the available capabilities * with several additional features. *
 * ThreadPoolExecutor exec = ...
 * public void searchFor( String search ) {
 *   // Create an instanc which uses our executor for the
 *   // background threads.
 *   final SyncThread th = new SyncThread() {
 *     public void schedule( Runnable r ) {
 *         exec.execute( r );
 *	   }
 *   };
 *   // Get all the current values from the remote instance
 *   th.add( new SyncThread() {
 *     public String[] run() {
 *         return remote.getValues();
 *     }
 *     public void done() {
 *         comp.setModel( new Model( getValue() ) );
 *     }
 *   } );
 *   // Add step to use data and select searched for
 *   // value if found.
 *   th.add( new SyncThread() {
 *     public String run() {
 *         String[] dt = th.getLastThreadValue();
 *		   for( String s : dt ) {
 *		       if( findPattern( search, s ) ) {
 *                  return s;
 *             }
 *         }
 *         return null;
 *     }
 *     public void done() {
 *         if( getValue() == null ) {
 *             comp.clearSelection();
 *         } else {
 *             comp.setSelectedValue( getValue() );
 *         }
 *     }
 *   });
 *   th.start();
 * }
* @param The returned value for doInBackground * @param

The type for published values. */ public class SyncThread implements Callable { private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); /** * The set of actions which will be disabled/enabled. */ protected final Action[] acts; /** * The set of components which will be disabled/enabled. */ protected final Component[] comps; // The value that this thread has calculated and returned from run(). private volatile R value = null; // Used as executor for threads to pass values to subsequent threads. private volatile Object threadVal = null; // If any component has focus, set focus back after we're done. private volatile int focusIndex = -1; // The list of SyncThreads that will be ran. private ArrayList threads = null; private final boolean setLoader; private final ClassLoader ctxLoader; private final Subject subj; private final AccessControlContext ctx; /** * Collects all the context for execution, any active Subject and context class loader will * be remebered and activated. */ public SyncThread() { boolean loaded = false; ctxLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Subject createdSubject = null; final AccessControlContext rctx[] = new AccessControlContext[1]; try { createdSubject = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction() { public Subject run() throws Exception { return Subject.getSubject( rctx[0] = AccessController.getContext() ); } }); // Everything worked, so set the exception loaded = true; } catch( PrivilegedActionException ex ) { if( log.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) log.log( Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex ); } catch( RuntimeException ex ) { if( log.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) log.log( Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex ); throw ex; } ctx = rctx[0]; subj = createdSubject; setLoader = loaded; } /** * Create an instance specifying the set of Components which should be * disabled while doInBackground() runs. * @param components */ public SyncThread( Component... components ) { this(); comps = components; acts = null; } /** * Create an instance specifying the set of Actions which should be * disabled while doInBackground() runs. * @param actions */ public SyncThread( Action... actions ) { this(); acts = actions; comps = null; } /** * Create an instance specifying the set of Components and Actions which should be * disabled while doInBackground() runs. * * @param components * @param actions */ public SyncThread( Component[] components, Action[] actions ) { this(); comps = components; acts = actions; } /** * Returns the value that this thread has calculated and returned from run(). */ public R getValue() { return value; } /** * Set's the return value that will be visible from {@link #getValue}. * @param val */ public void setValue(R val) { value = val; } /** * If running as an executor of multiple steps, this returns the value * which the the last thread returned from run(). Threads can * pass values to subsequent threads. * * Each threads doInBackground(), can call this method to get the * value which the last doInBackground() returned; */ public Object getLastThreadValue() { return threadVal; } /** * Override these to customize when components are disabled */ protected void disableComponents() { setThingsEnabled(false); } /** * Override these to customize when components are enabled */ protected void enableComponents() { setThingsEnabled(true); } /** * Override this to do preliminary work before components and actions are disabled. */ protected void setup() {} /** * Use run() which calls this method. * @deprecated - use run() so that you don't mistype the case of this method * and get nothing to run. This method is not abstract because of the * history of things where we wanted a new method name and didn't want * to break existing code so there was construct() then doInBackground() to * be compatible with JDK6 SwingWorker, and then the realization that we * were typoing doInBackground too much and not invoking our code, but the * dummy method in this class, and so we decided to just use run() and be done. * @return value */ protected R doInBackground() { return value; } /** * This method will be called in a dedicated thread after setup() has returned. */ protected R run() { return doInBackground(); } /** * This method can be used by a ThreadPoolExecutor to invoke this instance * as callable. This method executes return value = run(); . */ public R call() { return value = run(); } /** * This method will be called in the EDT after run() has returned. */ protected void done() {} /** * Call publish from doInBackground() to send preliminary data * to be processed in the EDT. */ protected void publish(final P value) { try { runInSwing(new InContextRunnable() { public Object doRun() { process(value); return null; } }, false); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { reportException(ex); } } /** * Override this to process data that was sent from publish() in the EDT. */ protected void process(P value) {} /** * Adds an additional SyncThread instance into the queue of things * to execute together so that a set of EDT - non-EDT - EDT operations * can be performed in sequence without having {@link #done} do the * initiation of the next step. * @param thread */ public void add(SyncThread thread) { if (threads == null) { threads = new ArrayList(); } threads.add(thread); } /** * This is the place where the doInBackground thread is allocated. * This implementation just uses new Thread(r).start() * to initiate the operation. Subclasses can be created which use * thread pools or other mechanisms. *

* The Runnable passed should be queued to execute/running when this * method returns. * * @param r the Runnable to execute. */ public void schedule( Runnable r ) { new Thread( r ).start(); } /** * Start this process or executor sequence in a dedicated thread. */ public void start() { // If thread list is null, run as a single thread sequence. if (threads == null) { schedule( new InContextRunnable() { public Object doRun() { runSingle(false); return null; } }); // If thread list is not null, run as an executor. } else { schedule( new InContextRunnable() { public Object doRun() { runAllSteps(); return threadVal; } }); } } /** * Run this process or executor sequence in the calling thread. */ public void block() { if( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to block(), already in event thread"); } // If thread list is null, run as a single sequence. if (threads == null) { runSingle(false); // If thread list is not null, run as an executor. } else { runAllSteps(); } } /** * Run this instance in another thread, asynchronously */ public void later() { runSingle(true); } /** * Run the steps in this instance * * @param later controls whether {@link #setup} is run now * or later in the EDT queue. */ private void runSingle(boolean later) { try { doStep(later); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { reportException(ex); } } /** * This method is used to run the internal list of steps that where * added to this instance. */ private void runAllSteps() { try { doSetup(false); for (SyncThread thread : threads) { thread.doStep(false); threadVal = thread.getValue(); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { reportException(ex); throw ex; } catch (InterruptedException ex) { reportException(ex); } finally { try { doDone(false); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { reportException(ex); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { reportException(ex); throw ex; } } } /** * Performs the three components of the execution model. The * setup(), doInBackground(), done() steps are done in order. * @param later This controls whether the EDT work is done * synchronously if false, or queued if true. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException */ private void doStep(boolean later) throws InterruptedException { try { try { doSetup(later); doRun(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { reportException(ex); throw ex; } } finally { try { doDone( later ); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { reportException(ex); throw ex; } } } /** * Creates an InContextRunnable instance to call {@link #setup()} in, and * to then disable components enumerated in the constructor(). * @param later * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException */ private void doSetup(boolean later) throws InterruptedException { runInSwing(new InContextRunnable() { public Object doRun() { setup(); disableComponents(); return null; } }, later); } /** * Controls the execution of the run() method. The default * implementatioin just does value = run();. * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException */ protected void doRun() throws RuntimeException { value = run(); } /** * Creates an InContextRunnable instance to call done() in, which * enables the components enumerated in the constructor() and then * calls {@link #done()}. * @param later * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException */ private void doDone(boolean later) throws InterruptedException { runInSwing(new InContextRunnable() { public Object doRun() { enableComponents(); done(); return null; } }, later); } /** * Change component/action enabled status * @param how true to enable, false to disable. */ private void setThingsEnabled(boolean how) { for (int i = 0; acts != null && i < acts.length; ++i) { acts[i].setEnabled(how); } for (int i = 0; comps != null && i < comps.length; ++i) { // If we're disabling and this component has the focus, remember its index. if (how == false && comps[i].hasFocus() == true) { focusIndex = i; } comps[i].setEnabled(how); // If we're enabling and this component had the focus before, set it back. if (how == true && i == focusIndex) { comps[i].requestFocus(); focusIndex = -1; // Reset for next time. } } } /** * This method can be used to invoke the passed Runnable in the EventDispatchThread. * * @param r The Runnable to dispatch * @param later if true, SwingUtilities.invokeLater() is used, otherwise * SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait() is used. * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if invokeAndWait() is interupted. */ public static void runInSwing(final Runnable r, boolean later) throws InterruptedException { try { if (later) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); } else { if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { r.run(); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(r); } } // Throw the cause to make sure we get the actual exception instead of one wrapped // inside an InvocationTargetException. } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable th = e.getTargetException(); if (th instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException)th; } else if (th instanceof Error) { throw (Error)th; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Invocation target threw "+th.getClass().getName(), th); } } } /** * Many types of errors inside of this class are passed into this method and * simply logged at a SEVERE level. A sub class can override this method to * display dialogs or otherwise interact with the user when such problems * are reported. * @param t the problem to report. */ protected void reportException(Throwable t) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, t.toString(), t); } /** * This class provides a Runnable which utilises * @param */ private abstract class InContextRunnable implements Runnable { public abstract T doRun(); private volatile T val; public T get() { run(); return val; } public final void run() { Thread th = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader ld = null; if( setLoader ) { ld = th.getContextClassLoader(); } try { try { if( setLoader ) th.setContextClassLoader( ctxLoader ); } catch( RuntimeException ex ) { if ( log.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) log.log( Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex ); throw ex; } if( !setLoader || subj == null ) { val = doRun(); } else { Subject.doAsPrivileged( subj, new PrivilegedAction() { public T run() { return doRun(); } }, ctx); } } finally { try { if( setLoader ) th.setContextClassLoader( ld ); } catch( Exception ex ) { log.log( Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex ); } } } } }