Searches for items based on a query or seller ID, or both. If you use keywords, this call returns items that contain the keywords in the title. More at: Required application ID obtained from EBay. More at: Expect responses in JSON format. This parameter gives API version number. If this value is true, the response data is wrapped in a call to a _cb_[call name] function, to make the response data easier to use. If you use this value, the response data is wrapped in a call to a function, to make the response data easier to use. The numeric value for the eBay site with the items you want information about, e.g. the siteid of the US site is 0. Controls how enum items in results appear when the enum value is introduced in an API version later than the one specified here. Identifies caller to tracking partner. Identifies tracking partner. Specify id used in tracking. The API method name. Generates CorrelationID in response. Remove duplicate items from search results. Specify field by which results will be sorted. Max number of entries to be returned. Buyer's postal code. The search request keywords. Search for items only from this seller. Exclude this seller's items from the search. Specify the direction of the sort (e.g. ascending or descending).