# # There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be # used for execution of your targets. These targets are usually executed # before and after some main targets. They are: # # .build-pre: called before 'build' target # .build-post: called after 'build' target # .clean-pre: called before 'clean' target # .clean-post: called after 'clean' target # .clobber-pre: called before 'clobber' target # .clobber-post: called after 'clobber' target # .all-pre: called before 'all' target # .all-post: called after 'all' target # .help-pre: called before 'help' target # .help-post: called after 'help' target # # Targets beginning with '.' are not intended to be called on their own. # # Main targets can be executed directly, and they are: # # build build a specific configuration # clean remove built files from a configuration # clobber remove all built files # all build all configurations # help print help mesage # # Targets .build-impl, .clean-impl, .clobber-impl, .all-impl, and # .help-impl are implemented in nbproject/makefile-impl.mk. # # NOCDDL # Environment MKDIR=mkdir CP=cp CCADMIN=CCadmin RANLIB=ranlib CVNT=../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/samplecode/resources/Cnvtpipl.exe BUILDDIR=build/${CONF} REZ=/Developer/Tools/Rez RESMERGER=/Developer/Tools/ResMerger OS := $(shell uname | grep -i Darwin) XX=$(OS) ifeq ($(strip $(OS)),) LDFLAGS2=${BUILDDIR}/Ps2FxA.res -mno-cygwin -shared LDRELEASE=-s EXTRALIBS=-lversion -lcomdlg32 CCFLAGSA=-D__PIWin__ -DWIN_ENV -mno-cygwin -DMSWindows CFLAGSA=-mno-cygwin RESOURCES=${BUILDDIR}/Ps2FxA.res INCS=-Iinclude -Iresources -I../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/photoshopapi/photoshop -I../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/photoshopapi/pica_sp -I../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/samplecode/common/includes -I../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/samplecode/common/resources else CC=gcc CPP=gcc CXX=g++ RESOURCES=$(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.rez LDFLAGS2=-framework Carbon -Wl,-Y,1455 -Wl,-dead_strip -Wl,-Sp -bundle -arch i386 -arch ppc -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -m32 LDRELEASE= CCFLAGSA=-D__PIMac__ -DMAC_ENV -DMacintoshOS -I/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon -arch i386 -arch ppc -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -m32 CFLAGSA=-arch i386 -arch ppc -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -m32 POSTBUILD=dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/MacOs/PS2JavaFXA INCS=-Iinclude -Iresources -I../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/photoshopapi/photoshop -I../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/photoshopapi/pica_sp -I../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/photoshopapi/resources INCSR=-i /Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon -i include -i resources -i ../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/photoshopapi/photoshop -i ../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/photoshopapi/pica_sp -i ../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/photoshopapi/resources -i ../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/samplecode/common/includes/MachOMacrezXcode.h -i ../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/samplecode/common/includes -i ../Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3\ SDK/samplecode/common/resources endif .resources: ${RESOURCES} # build build: .build-pre .build-impl .build-post $(POSTBUILD) .build-pre: # Add your pre 'build' code here... $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.res: $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.pipl resources/Ps2FxA.rc echo "Create $@ from $<" windres -O coff $(INCS) -I$(BUILDDIR) resources/Ps2FxA.rc $@ $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.pipl: resources/Ps2FxAPiPL.r echo "Create $@ from $<" cp $< $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.c echo "Preprocessing $*.c" g++ $(CCFLAGSA) $(INCS) -E $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.c | grep -v "^#" > $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.tmp ${CVNT} $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.tmp $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.pipl.tmp sed "s/^\t0X/\t0x/;s/, \/\*.*\*\//,/" $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.pipl.tmp | awk 'BEGIN {x=""} {if ($$0=="END") {gsub(",.$$","",x); gsub(",$$","",x); print x} else if($$0!="") print x; if($$0!="") x=$$0} END {print x}' > $@ rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/*.tmp $(BUILDDIR)/*.c $(BUILDDIR)/*.pipl.tmp $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.rez: resources/Ps2FxAPiPL.r echo "Mac - create $@ from $<" #cp $< $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2Fx.c #g++ $(CCFLAGSA) $(INCS) -E $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2Fx.c > $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2Fx.rr $(REZ) -o $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.rsrc.tmp -d SystemSevenOrLater=1 -d __PIMac__ -d MSWindows=0 -useDF -script Roman -arch i386 -arch ppc $(INCSR) resources/Ps2FxAPiPL.r $(RESMERGER) -dstIs DF $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.rsrc.tmp -o $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.rsrc rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.rsrc.tmp dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/MacOs/PS2JavaFXA: dist/PS2JavaFXA.8li mkdir -p dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/MacOs cp dist/PS2JavaFXA.8li dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/MacOs/PS2JavaFXA mkdir -p dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/Resources $(RESMERGER) -dstIs DF $(BUILDDIR)/Ps2FxA.rsrc -o dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/Resources/PS2JavaFXA.rsrc rm -f dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/PkgInfo touch dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/PkgInfo echo "8BEM8BIM" >> dist/$(CONF)/PS2JavaFXA.plugin/Contents/PkgInfo .build-post: # Add your post 'build' code here... # clean clean: .clean-pre .clean-impl .clean-post .clean-pre: # Add your pre 'clean' code here... .clean-post: # Add your post 'clean' code here... # clobber clobber: .clobber-pre .clobber-impl .clobber-post .clobber-pre: # Add your pre 'clobber' code here... .clobber-post: # Add your post 'clobber' code here... # all all: .all-pre .all-impl .all-post .all-pre: # Add your pre 'all' code here... .all-post: # Add your post 'all' code here... # help help: .help-pre .help-impl .help-post .help-pre: # Add your pre 'help' code here... .help-post: # Add your post 'help' code here... # include project implementation makefile include nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk