Welcome to the UI Gestures Collector

This is the entry page to the world of statistics. The UI Gestures Collector is a portal that allows you to find new tips on how to use NetBeans, discover what developers using the same technologies do the most, and also submit feedback to the NetBeans development team.

The basic idea is that you tell the server what you do, and the server, based on received data, can generate metrics, statistics, or provide advice directly to you on how to use the NetBeans IDE more effectively.

You can now submit data about the UI actions you have done in the IDE. If you do so, the server records them and gives you some statistics. Right now the whole system is in development mode, so we are still mostly collecting data. However, some basic information comparing your usage to average usage of all participants in the program shall nevertheless be available.

However your computer seems to be disconnected from the network. Therefore, we cannot connect to the server to handle your submission request.