=============================================== Tested Window title : Project Properties - Arctangent =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : - none. No Accessible name : - none. No Accessible description : - none. Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: org.openide.explorer.view.TreeView$ExplorerTree { Properties Category | N/A } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mn emonic): - none. Components not reachable with tab traversal : Class: javax.swing.JButton { Cancel | N/A } Class: javax.swing.JButton { Help | Help button } Class: javax.swing.JButton { Includes/Excludes... | Iinvokes the Configure Includes & Excludes dialog which allows you to specify the packages you want to include in your project. } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Encoding: | Encoding determines how the IDE interprets characters beyond the ASCII character set. } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { N/A | N/A } Class: org.netbeans.modules.project.uiapi.CustomizerDialog$ListeningButton { OK | N/A }