$ goto runide_start $!***************************************************************************** $! * $! Sun Public License Notice * $! * $! The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License Version * $! 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with * $! the License. A copy of the License is available at http://www.sun.com/ * $! * $! * $! The Original Code is the NetBeans IDE launcher for OpenVMS. * $! The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Compaq Computer Corporation. * $! Portions created by Compaq Computer Corporation are Copyright (C) 2001. * $! All Rights Reserved. * $! * $! Contributor(s): Compaq Computer Corporation. * $! * $!***************************************************************************** $! * $! If you have a problem or comment on this program, please send it to: * $! * $! NetBeans@compaq.com * $! * $!***************************************************************************** $! * $! OpenVMS NetBeans multiuser IDE launcher * $! * $! Format: * $! * $! @RUNIDEOPENVMS [userdir] [args1] [args2] * $! * $! Arguments: * $! * $! userdir * $! * $! VMS directory specification which will be used as the home directory * $! for NetBeans user-specific files * $! * $! args1 * $! * $! List of switches that will be passed to the Java Virtual Machine. You * $! also specify NetBeans properties (e.g. -Dnetbeans.policy) here. * $! * $! If the list contains more than one value or has lowercase characters * $! which must be preserved, it must be enclosed within "". If the value * $! contains a directory specification, it must be in Unix-style format * $! (i.e. /dev/dir0/dir1/.../file.ext). * $! * $! args2 * $! * $! List of switches that will be passed to the NetBeans IDE. * $! * $! If the list contains more than one value or has lowercase characters * $! which must be preserved, it must be enclosed within "". If the value * $! contains a directory specification, it must be in Unix-style format * $! (i.e. /dev/dir0/dir1/.../file.ext). * $! * $! Description * $! * $! This command procedure is used to start the NetBeans IDE on an OpenVMS * $! system. * $! * $! There are several requirements for this program to work properly: * $! * $! - RUNIDEOPENVMS.COM must either reside in the NetBeans bin * $! directory and be run from there * $! (e.g. @disk$:[netbeans.bin]runideopenvms) * $! * $! or * $! * $! The logical name NETBEANS$HOME must be defined with a string * $! that points to the directory where NetBeans is installed * $! (e.g. disk$:[netbeans.bin] * $! * $! or * $! * $! You must specify the NetBeans property "netbeans.home=" on the * $! command line with an appropriate directory path in Unix format * $! (e.g. @RUNIDEOPENVMS "" "-Dnetbeans.home=/dev/netbeans/") * $! * $! - The jdk for OpenVMS should be installed in SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$131] * $! * $! or * $! * $! The logical name NETBEANS$JDK_HOME must be defined with a string * $! that points to the directory where the jdk is installed * $! * $! The launcher uses the FastVM for the main process. This can be * $! overridden using the logical name NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM. * $! If the value of the logical is 1, then the Classic VM will be * $! instead of the FastVM. * $! * $! - User process quotas must be sufficient * $! * $! - The CHANNELCNT sysgen value should be at least 2000 * $! * $! Examples: * $! * $! @RUNIDEOPENVMS USER$:[MYACCOUNT.NETBEANS] * $! * $! Starts NetBeans with the specified user directory. If the required * $! directory structure and files do not exist, the NetBeans IDE will * $! create them automatically. * $! * $! @RUNIDEOPENVMS "" "" "-fontsize 14" * $! * $! Starts NetBeans using a fontsize of 14. Note that null arguments * $! ("") are required as placeholders and the quotes around the * $! specified argument are optional for this example. * $! * $!***************************************************************************** $ $runide_start: $ $ if f$edit("''P1'", "TRIM,UPCASE") .eqs. "-HELP" then $goto displayhelp $ $ saved_verify = f$verify() $ on error then goto error_handler $ on control_y then goto done $ $! We need parse_style extended for our process $ set process/parse=extended $ $! Constants $ attributes_filename = "_nbattrs." $ backup_char = "_" $ jar_fs_refresh = 0 $ local_fs_refresh = 0 $ min_astlm = 300 $ min_biolm = 1024 $ min_bytlm = 2000000 $ min_rec_bytlm = 1990000 $ min_diolm = 1024 $ min_enqlm = 2000 $ min_fillm = 300 $ min_jtquota = 60000 $ min_pgflquota = 1500000 $ min_prclm = 10 $ min_tqelm = 400 $ min_wsextent = 524288 $ temp_dir = "sys$scratch" $ $! Check to see if we're debugging NetBeans $! $ if f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$DEBUG") .eqs. "1" $ then $ prev_classic_vm = F$TRNLNM("NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM") $! $! Force the use of the classic VM since the FastVM doesn't support JPDA $! $ Define NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM 1 $ endif $! Define the NetBeans IDE entry point $ ide = "org.netbeans.Main" $ $! Define the NetBeans updater entry point $ updater = "org.netbeans.updater.UpdaterFrame" $ $! Get our PID (used for temporary files) $ userpid = f$getjpi("", "PID") $ $! NETBEANS$JDK_HOME, if defined, should point to the base directory of a Java $! kit. This is used to locate things like the Java setup command procedure, $! tools.jar, etc. $ jdk_home = f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$JDK_HOME") $ if jdk_home .eqs. "" $ then $ jdk_home = "sys$common:[java$131]" $ endif $ $ $! Check if the Java setup command procedure from a different version of the $! JDK that we'll be using was previously executed. We do this by seeing if $! the symbol JAVA is defined and, if it is, extracting the Java version from $! the symbol's value. If defined and different from what we're going to use, $! display a message to the user that a CANCEL_SETUP command procedure must $! be executed before running NetBeans. $ if f$type(java) .nes. "" $ then $ java_version = f$edit(f$parse(java,,, "DIRECTORY"), "UPCASE") $ java_version = f$element(0, ".", java_version) - "[" $ jdk_version = f$edit(((f$parse(jdk_home,,, "DIRECTORY") - "[") - "]"), "UPCASE") $ if java_version .nes. jdk_version $ then $ cancel_procedure = (jdk_home - "]") + ".COM]" +java_version + "_CANCEL_SETUP.COM" $ if f$search("''cancel_procedure'") .nes. "" $ then $ @'cancel_procedure' $ else $ write sys$output "" $ write sys$output "Your process has symbol and logical name definitions that were created by a" $ write sys$output "different version of Java than what will be used by the IDE. To run the IDE," $ write sys$output "you must execute a command procedure which will reset your process so that the" $ write sys$output "required version of Java will run properly. The command procedure name is:" $ write sys$output java_version, "_CANCEL_SETUP.COM" $ write sys$output "" $ write sys$output "If you do not have this file on your system, please refer to the " $ write sys$output "release notes for information on obtaining this file." $ write sys$output "" $ exit $ endif $ endif $ endif $ $! Create the path to the NetBeans kit. If the NETBEANS$HOME logical is $! defined, use its value as the NetBeans kit path. If not defined, assume $! this command file is executed from one level below the NetBeans root $! directory (typically device:[top_level_dir.netbeans.bin]). Determine the $! kit's path from there. $ nbhome = f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$HOME") $ if nbhome .eqs. "" $ then $ nbhome_ = f$env("PROCEDURE") $ nbhome_ = F$PARSE(nbhome_,,,"DEVICE") + F$PARSE(nbhome_,,,"DIRECTORY") $ nbhome_ = nbhome_ - "]" + ".-]" $ nbhome = F$PARSE(nbhome_,,,"DEVICE") + F$PARSE(nbhome_,,,"DIRECTORY") $ endif $ $! Convert the NetBeans kit path to unix format $ call convert_to_unix 'nbhome' "unix_nbhome" $ $! Build the name of a few directories used during update $ $ global_update_dir = nbhome - "]" + ".update.download]" $ mod_dir = nbhome - "]" + ".modules]" $ mod_doc_dir = nbhome - "]" + ".modules.docs]" $ $! Check to make sure that some critical quotas for running NetBeans are $! sufficient and warn the user if any are not $ error_count == 0 $ call check_quota "ASTLM" min_astlm min_astlm error_count $ call check_quota "BIOLM" min_biolm min_biolm error_count $ call check_quota "BYTLM" min_bytlm min_rec_bytlm error_count $ call check_quota "DIOLM" min_diolm min_diolm error_count $ call check_quota "ENQLM" min_enqlm min_enqlm error_count $ call check_quota "FILLM" min_fillm min_fillm error_count $ call check_quota "PGFLQUOTA" min_pgflquota min_pgflquota error_count $ call check_quota "PRCLM" min_prclm min_prclm error_count $ call check_quota "TQLM" min_tqelm min_tqelm error_count $ call check_quota "WSEXTENT" min_wsextent min_wsextent error_count $ if error_count .ne. 0 $ then $ write sys$output "" $ write sys$output "Warning: The IDE may not start or work properly until all quotas are" $ write sys$output " set to at least their recommended minimum values. $ write sys$output "" $ endif $ $! Determine the NetBeans user directory $! $ userdir = P1 $ if userdir .eqs. "" $ then $ userdir = f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$USER") $ if userdir .eqs. "" $ then $! Use the default $ userdir = f$trnlnm("sys$login") - "]" + ".nbuser33]" $ endif $ endif $ if userdir .eqs. "" then goto done $ if f$getdvi(f$parse(userdir,,, "DEVICE"), "ACPTYPE") .nes. "F11V5" $ then $ write sys$output "" $ write sys$output "Your user directory (''userdir') must reside" $ write sys$output "on an ODS-5 device!" $ write sys$output "" $ goto done $ endif $ write sys$output "" $ write sys$output "Using ''userdir' as user directory..." $ write sys$output "" $ call convert_to_unix 'userdir' "unix_userdir" $ $! Directory which will contain updates $ update_dir = userdir - "]" + ".update.download]" $ $! Create the environment file used by NetBeans $ env_filename = "''temp_dir':nbenv" + userpid + ".dat" $ call convert_to_unix 'env_filename' "unix_nbenv" $ open/write env_file 'env_filename' $ vms_home = f$trnlnm("sys$login") $ call convert_to_unix 'vms_home' "unix_home" $ write env_file "HOME=", unix_home $ close env_file $ $! Set up the Java environment for NetBeans $ gosub setup_nb_env $ $! Flag that this is our first start $ first_run = "T" $ $restart: $ $! Create the JVM command file $ $ cmd_filename = "''temp_dir':nbcmd" + userpid + ".dat" $ open/write cmd_file 'cmd_filename' $ $! Initialize the class path symbol builder $ call init_add_symbol $ $! Create the classpath and write it to the command file $ call find_jars userdir "lib.patches.locale" $ call find_jars userdir "lib.patches" $ call find_jars userdir "lib.locale" $ call find_jars userdir "lib" $ call find_jars userdir "lib.ext.locale" $ call find_jars userdir "lib.ext" $ call find_jars nbhome "lib.patches.locale" $ call find_jars nbhome "lib.patches" $ call find_jars nbhome "lib.locale" $ call find_jars nbhome "lib" $ call find_jars nbhome "lib.ext.locale" $ call find_jars nbhome "lib.ext" $ call find_jars jdk_home "lib..." $ $! Create a symbol containing the list of symbols $ call create_concat_symbol "nb$symsym" $ $! Write the classpath to the command file $ write/symbol cmd_file "-cp ", 'nb$symsym' $ $ if f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$DEBUG") .eqs. "1" $ then $ ! Run in debug mode, first get a free port $ db_port = 9000 $ def sys$output nl: $ def sys$error nl: $ set noon $get_port_loop: $ if (db_port .le. 9200) $ then $ ucx sho dev /port='db_port' $ if (('$status' .and. 1) .eq. 1) $ then $ db_port = db_port + 1 $ goto get_port_loop $ endif $ deas sys$output $ deas sys$error $ set on $ else $ write sys$output "Could not find a free port - try again later" $ goto done $ endif $ write sys$output "*****************************************************" $ write sys$output "* Starting the IDE in debug mode using port ", db_port, " *" $ write sys$output "* *" $ write sys$output "* To connect from your client instance of the IDE, *" $ write sys$output "* click Debug->Attach and fill in the following: *" $ write sys$output "* *" $ write sys$output "* Debugger Type: Default debugger (JPDA) *" $ write sys$output "* Transport: dt_socket *" $ write sys$output "* Host: *" $ write sys$output "* Port: ", db_port, " *" $ write sys$output "* *" $ write sys$output "* Note that the IDE will appear to hang at the *" $ write sys$output "* ""Starting the IDE..."" message until you have *" $ write sys$output "* attached. *" $ write sys$output "*****************************************************" $ write sys$output "" $ ! Add the debug switches to the command file $ write cmd_file "-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=''db_port'" $ endif $ set noverify $ $! Cleanup the global symbols we created to make the really long $! classpath $ call cleanup_symbols $ $ max_heap = f$getjpi("", "WSEXTENT") / 2048 $ $ if f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM") .eqs. "1" $ then $ $! $! For Classic VM, set both the initial and max heap sizes $! $ initial_heap = 32 $ write cmd_file "-Xmx''max_heap'm" $ $! For Classic VM set the stack size using the -oss switch $! $ write cmd_file "-oss1m" $ else $! $! Pick the initial heap and max heap. Make sure not to use all the WSEXTENT $! for max heap or we'll page lots. $! $ if max_heap .gt. 200 $ then $ initial_heap = 100 $ max_heap = 200 $ else $ initial_heap = max_heap/2 $ max_heap = max_heap - 50 $ endif $! $! For the FASTVM Set the stack size...according to Rae the -Xss switch $! is used by the FastVM to set the DECThreads stack size $! $ write cmd_file "-Xss300k" $! $! For the FASTVM use the compacting garbage collector $! $! write cmd_file "-Xgc:compacting" $ $ endif $ $ write cmd_file "-Xms''initial_heap'm" $ write cmd_file "-Xmx''max_heap'm" $ $! Read the ide configuration file and write the contents into cmd_file $! Sets up symbols nb_cmds and java_cmds $! $ java_cmds == "" $ nb_cmds == "" $ $ call read_ide_cfg_file $ $ java_cmds == java_cmds + " " + P2 $ nb_cmds == nb_cmds + " " + P3 $ $! NetBeans user directory property $ write cmd_file "-Dnetbeans.user=", f$edit("''unix_userdir'", "LOWERCASE") $ $ unix_nbhome = f$edit("''unix_nbhome'", "LOWERCASE") $! $! NetBeans home directory property $ write cmd_file "-Dnetbeans.home=", unix_nbhome $ $! NetBeans security property $ write cmd_file "-Djava.security.policy=", unix_nbhome, "/bin/ide.policy" $ $! NetBeans local file system refresh interval $ write cmd_file "-Dorg.openide.filesystems.LocalFileSystem.REFRESH_TIME=", local_fs_refresh $ $! NetBeans jar file system refresh interval $ write cmd_file "-Dorg.openide.filesystems.JarFileSystem.REFRESH_TIME=", jar_fs_refresh $ $! NetBeans attributes file name $! Removed begining in NetBeans 3.3 $! write cmd_file "-Dorg.openide.filesystems.DefaultAttributes.ATTR_NAME_EXT_XML=", attributes_filename $ $! NetBeans backup file character $! Removed begining in NetBeans 3.3 $! write cmd_file "-Dorg.netbeans.core.ExLocalFileSystem.BACKUP_EXT=", backup_char $ $! NetBeans OS environment file property $ write cmd_file "-Dnetbeans.osenv=", f$edit("''unix_nbenv'", "LOWERCASE") $ $! Set the keyboard type property, if necessary $ if f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEC") .EQS. "1" $ then $ write cmd_file "-DStartup.OpenVMS.edtkeypad.DECkeyboard=true" $ endif $ $! Start the NetBeans/FFJ IDE $ write sys$output "" $ write sys$output "Starting the IDE..." $ write sys$output "" $ close cmd_file $! The JVM will hang if verify is on, so shut it off but save the current state $ saved_verify = f$verify(0) $ $! If the user downloaded one or more modules the last time the IDE was $! used and chose to defer installation, we need to run the IDE updater $! now $! $ if first_run $ then $ first_run = "F" $! If the user downloaded one or more new modules and chose to install $! them immediately, we need to run the IDE updater and restart $! $ $ call check_for_updates $ $ if (NBinstall_later) .and. (NBrun_update) $ then $ java -V 'cmd_filename' 'java_cmds' 'updater' 'nb_cmds' $ call check_protections_on_update_files $ endif $ endif $! $! Really start the IDE $ java -V 'cmd_filename' 'java_cmds' 'ide' 'nb_cmds' $ $! If the user downloaded one or more new modules and chose to install $! them immediately, we need to run the IDE updater and restart $! $ call check_for_updates $ $ if .not. (NBinstall_later) .and. (NBrun_update) $ then $ java -V 'cmd_filename' 'java_cmds' 'updater' 'nb_cmds' $ call check_protections_on_update_files $ goto restart $ endif $ $! Finished. Delete the command files, perform some clean up, restore the $! verify state and exit $done: $ close/nolog cmd_file $ close/nolog env_file $ call delete_update_symbols $ if f$search("''cmd_filename'", 1) .nes. "" $ then $ delete 'cmd_filename';* $ endif $ if f$search("''env_filename'", 1) .nes. "" $ then $ delete 'env_filename';* $ endif $ modules_dir = userdir - "]" + ".modules]" $ if f$search("''modules_dir'installedModules.xml", 1) .nes. "" $ then $ purge 'modules_dir'installedModules.xml $ endif $ if f$search("''modules_dir'externalizedModules.ser", 1) .nes. "" $ then $ purge 'modules_dir'externalizedModules.ser $ endif $ $ exit: $ $ if f$type(nb_cmds) .nes. "" then delete/symbol/global nb_cmds $ if f$type(java_cmds) .nes. "" then delete/symbol/global java_cmds $ $ if f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$DEBUG") .eqs. "1" $ then $ if prev_classic_vm .nes. "" $ then $ Define/nolog NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM 'prev_classic_vm' $ else $ Deassign NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM $ endif $ endif $ $ saved_verify = f$verify('saved_verify') $ exit $ $ java_version_too_old: $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " *** NetBeans requires Java version 1.3.1 or later. ***" $ write sys$output " " $ goto exit $ $ no_java: $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " *** You must run the Java setup command procedure before invoking NetBeans ***" $ write sys$output " " $ goto exit $ $ displayhelp: $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " OpenVMS NetBeans multiuser IDE launcher help " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " General requirements:" $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " This version of NetBeans requires Java 1.3.1 or later" $ write sys$output " and the FastVM version 1.3.1 or later." $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " Command Format:" $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " @RUNIDEOPENVMS [userdir|-help] [args1] [args2] " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " Arguments: " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " userdir or -help" $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " VMS directory specification which will be used as the home directory " $ write sys$output " for NetBeans user-specific files " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " If this argument is specified as -help, this text is displayed." $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " args1 " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " List of switches that will be passed to the Java Virtual Machine. You " $ write sys$output " also specify NetBeans properties (e.g. -Dnetbeans.policy) here. " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " If the list contains more than one value or has lowercase characters " $ write sys$output " which must be preserved, it must be enclosed within """". If the value " $ write sys$output " contains a directory specification, it must be in Unix-style format " $ write sys$output " (i.e. /dev/dir0/dir1/.../file.ext). " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " args2 " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " List of switches that will be passed to the NetBeans IDE. See the " $ write sys$output " NetBeans documentation for a description of switches that can be passed " $ write sys$output " to the IDE." $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " If the list contains more than one value or has lowercase characters " $ write sys$output " which must be preserved, it must be enclosed within """". If the value " $ write sys$output " contains a directory specification, it must be in Unix-style format " $ write sys$output " (i.e. /dev/dir0/dir1/.../file.ext). " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " Description: " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " This command procedure is used to start the NetBeans IDE on an OpenVMS " $ write sys$output " system. " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " There are several requirements for this program to work properly: " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " - RUNIDEOPENVMS.COM must reside in the NetBeans bin " $ write sys$output " directory and be run from there " $ write sys$output " (e.g. @disk$:[netbeans.bin]runideopenvms) " $ write sys$output " " $! write sys$output " or " $! write sys$output " " $! write sys$output " The logical name NETBEANS$HOME must be defined with a string " $! write sys$output " that points to the directory where NetBeans is installed " $! write sys$output " (e.g. disk$:[netbeans.bin] " $! write sys$output " " $! write sys$output " or " $! write sys$output " " $! write sys$output " You must specify the NetBeans property ""netbeans.home="" on the " $! write sys$output " command line with an appropriate directory path in Unix format " $! write sys$output " (e.g. @RUNIDEOPENVMS """" ""-Dnetbeans.home=/dev/netbeans/"") " $! write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " - The JDK for OpenVMS should be installed in SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$131] " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " or " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " The logical name NETBEANS$JDK_HOME must be defined with a string " $ write sys$output " that points to the directory where the JDK is installed " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " - User process quotas must be sufficient " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " - The CHANNELCNT sysgen value should be at least 2000 " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " Logical Names to Control NetBeans " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM " $ write sys$output " When defined to the value 1, will force the use of " $ write sys$output " the classic VM, rather than the default FastVM." $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " NETBEANS$KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEC " $ write sys$output " When defined to the value 1, will set the logical " $ write sys$output " JAVA$KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEC and pass a switch to NetBeans for proper" $ write sys$output " EDT keypad support when the EDTKeypad add-in module is loaded." $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " NETBEANS$JDK_HOME " $ write sys$output " Supports an alternate JDK home directory. When defined, should " $ write sys$output " point to the directory where the JDK is installed. " $ write sys$output " " $! write sys$output " NETBEANS$HOME " $! write sys$output " The logical name NETBEANS$HOME must be defined with a string " $! write sys$output " that points to the directory where NetBeans is installed " $! write sys$output " (e.g. disk$:[netbeans.bin] " $! write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " IDE Configuration File (ideopenvms.cfg) " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " The IDE configuration file can contain Java and NetBeans switches " $ write sys$output " that should be used each time the IDE is started. An empty " $ write sys$output " configuration file is shipped with NetBeans in the same directory " $ write sys$output " as the launcher. " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " Examples: " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " @RUNIDEOPENVMS USER$:[MYACCOUNT.NETBEANS] " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " Starts NetBeans with the specified user directory. If the required " $ write sys$output " directory structure and files do not exist, the NetBeans IDE will " $ write sys$output " create them automatically. " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " @RUNIDEOPENVMS """" """" ""-fontsize 14"" " $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output " Starts NetBeans using a fontsize of 14. Note that null arguments " $ write sys$output " ("""") are required as placeholders and the quotes around the " $ write sys$output " specified argument are optional for this example. " $ write sys$output " " $ goto exit $! ============================================================================================== $! Deal with any errors. Simply let the user know something went wrong and $! display the status code $! $error_handler: $ write sys$output "An error occurred; exit status = ", $status $ goto done $ $! Subroutines: $! $ $!================================================================================== $! $ read_ide_cfg_file: subroutine $ cmd_proc = f$environment("PROCEDURE") $ cmd_proc_dir = f$parse(cmd_proc,,, "DEVICE") + f$parse(cmd_proc,,, "DIRECTORY") $ cfg_file = "''cmd_proc_dir'ideopenvms.cfg" $ if f$search("''cfg_file'") .eqs. "" Then goto eos $ $ write sys$output "Reading configuration file ''cfg_file'..." $ write sys$output "" $ $ open/read cfg 'cfg_file' $ $ rloop: $ read/end=eof cfg cfg_line $! extract the first char...if it's a -, then we have an option line, $! otherwise, treat as comment and ignore $! $ str = f$extract(0,1,cfg_line) $ if str .eqs. "-" $ then $ str = f$extract(1,1,cfg_line) $ if str .eqs. "J" ! to be passed to Java $ then $ str = f$extract(2,f$length(cfg_line)-2, cfg_line) $ java_cmds == java_cmds + "-" + str + " " $ else ! to be passed to NetBeans $ nb_cmds == nb_cmds + cfg_line + " " $ endif $ else $ goto rloop $ endif $ goto rloop $ $ eof: $ close cfg $! $! $ eos: $ endsubroutine $! Look for .jar and .zip files down the tree pointed to by P1 and P2. $! The result is returned in the symbol named by P3 $! $find_jars: subroutine $ h = 'P1' - "]" $top1: $ x = f$search("''h'.''P2']*.jar", 1) $ if x .nes. "" $ then $ vfs = f$parse(x,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(x,,,"DIRECTORY") +- f$parse(x,,,"NAME") + f$edit(f$parse(x,,,"TYPE"), "LOWERCASE") $ call convert_to_unix "''vfs'" "ufs" $ ufs == ufs + ":" $ call add_symbol ufs $ goto top1 $ endif $top2: $ x = f$search("''h'.''P2']*.zip", 1) $ if x .nes. "" $ then $ vfs = f$parse(x,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(x,,,"DIRECTORY") +- f$parse(x,,,"NAME") + f$edit(f$parse(x,,,"TYPE"), "LOWERCASE") $ call convert_to_unix "''vfs'" "ufs" $ ufs == ufs + ":" $ call add_symbol ufs $ goto top2 $ endif $ $ endsubroutine $ $!================================================================================== $! This is a very simple routine to convert from a VMS style filespec to $! a Unix style filespec. The VMS filespec is passed in P2 and the Unix $! filespec result is returned in the symbol named by P1 $! $convert_to_unix: subroutine $ x = P1 $ du = "/" + f$parse(x,,,"DEVICE") - ":" $ d = f$parse(x,,,"DIRECTORY") - "[" - "]" - "<" - ">" $ count = 0 $cu_top: $ e = f$element(count, ".", d) $ if e .eqs. "." then goto cu_bottom $ du = du + "/" + e $ count = count + 1 $ goto cu_top $cu_bottom: $ f = f$parse(x,,,"NAME") + f$parse(x,,,"TYPE") $ if f .nes. "." $ then $ du = du + "/" + f $ endif $ 'P2' == du $ $ endsubroutine $ $!================================================================================== $! Test a particular process quota against a minimum value. If the quota $! is not at least the minimum value, display a warning message to the $! user with the recommended minimum setting. $! $! P1 is a string that is the name of the quota, P2 is the minimum value for $! that the quota, and P3 is the recommended minimum value that is displayed $! to the user. The symbol named in P4 is incremented if the specified quota $! is below the minimum value. $! $check_quota: subroutine $ quota_val = f$getjpi("","''P1'") $ if quota_val .lt. 'P3' $ then $ write sys$output "The ''P1' quota for your process is too low" $ write sys$output " Actual: ''quota_val'; recommended minimum: ", 'P3' $ 'P4' == 'P4' + 1 $ endif $ $ endsubroutine $ $!================================================================================== $ check_for_updates: subroutine $! $ NBinstall_later == (f$search("''update_dir'install_later.xml") .nes. "") .or. - (f$search("''global_update_dir'install_later.xml") .nes. "") $ NBnew_local_module == (f$search("''update_dir'*.nbm") .nes. "") $ NBnew_global_module == (f$search("''global_update_dir'*.nbm") .nes. "") $ NBrun_update == NBnew_local_module .or. NBnew_global_module $ exit $ endsubroutine $! $!================================================================================== $ delete_update_symbols: subroutine $! $ if f$type(NBinstall_later) .nes. "" then delete/symbol/global NBinstall_later $ if f$type(NBnew_local_module) .nes. "" then delete/symbol/global NBnew_local_module $ if f$type(NBnew_global_module) .nes. "" then delete/symbol/global NBnew_global_module $ if f$type(NBrun_update) .nes. "" then delete/symbol/global NBrun_update $ exit $ endsubroutine $! $!================================================================================== $ check_protections_on_update_files: subroutine $ if NBnew_global_module $ then $! $! If this was a global module install then we must fix the protection $! $ set file/prot=w:re 'mod_dir'*.* $ set file/prot=w:re 'mod_doc_dir'*.* $ endif $ exit $ endsubroutine $! $!================================================================================== $ init_add_symbol: subroutine $! $ scount == 0 $ nbcursym0 :== "" $ exit $ endsubroutine $! $! $!================================================================================== $ add_symbol: subroutine $ $ newstr = 'P1' $ newstr = f$edit("''newstr'", "LOWERCASE") $! $! see if there is room in the current symbol for this string $! $ len = f$length(nbcursym'scount') $ lenn = f$length(newstr) $ totlen = len + lenn $ if (totlen) .gt. 255 $ then ! no room, need to create new symbol $ scount == scount + 1 $ nbcursym'scount' :== "" $ endif $! $ nbcursym'scount' == nbcursym'scount' + newstr $! $ exit $ endsubroutine $! $! $!================================================================================== $ create_concat_symbol: subroutine $! $ nbsymsym := "" $ i = 0 $ iloop: $ if (i .ge. scount) then goto endloop $! $ nbsymsym = nbsymsym + "nbcursym''i', " $ i = i + 1 $ goto iloop $ endloop: $ nbsymsym = nbsymsym + "nbcursym''i'" $! $ 'P1' == nbsymsym $! $ exit $ endsubroutine $! $!================================================================================== $ cleanup_symbols: subroutine $ i = 0 $ iloop2: $ if (i .gt. scount) then goto endloop2 $! $ delete/symbol/global nbcursym'i' $ i = i + 1 $ goto iloop2 $ endloop2: $ $ delete/symbol/global scount $ delete/symbol/global nb$symsym $ exit $ endsubroutine $! $ $!================================================================================== $! Command procedure to set up the environment before running $! NetBeans $! $setup_nb_env: $ $ jdk_root = jdk_home - "]" $! $! Save the current value of the define symbol so we can restore it later $ old_define := 'F$TYPE(define)' $ if old_define .nes. "" then old_define_str := 'define' $! $! Re-define the define symbol so the logicals get put in the job table $ define :== define/job/nolog $ $! In case we were previously using the FastVM for NetBeans in this process $! ...deassign the logicals $! $ if f$trnlnm("JAVA$JVM_G_SHR", "LNM$PROCESS") .nes. "" $ then $ deassign/process JAVA$JVM_G_SHR $ endif $! $ if f$trnlnm("JAVA$JVM_SHR", "LNM$PROCESS") .nes. "" $ then $ deassign/process JAVA$JVM_SHR $ endif $! $! Call the JAVA setup command procedure with our altered "define" symbol. All $! this trickery is to insure that the classic VM is used for sub-processes $! spawned from within NetBeans, while NetBeans itself uses the FastVM $! $ setup_file = F$SEARCH("''jdk_root'.com]java$%%%_setup.com") $ @'setup_file' $! If the logical name NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM is set to 1, then don't $! use the FastVM. $! $ if f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM") .eqs. "1" $ Then $ Goto Skip_Fastvm $ Endif $! $! Re-define the define symbol so we don't get warnings if we try to define a $! logical that is already defined $ define :== define/nolog $ $! Point our process at the fastVM, but confine the definition so that all $! subprocess use the classic VM. This is a hack because fastVM V1.3 doesn't $! support the -Xdebug switch. $ define /name_attributes=confine JAVA$JVM_G_SHR - 'jdk_root'.JRE.LIB.ALPHA.FASTVM]JAVA$FVM_G_SHR.EXE; $ define /name_attributes=confine JAVA$JVM_SHR - 'jdk_root'.JRE.LIB.ALPHA.FASTVM]JAVA$FVM_SHR.EXE; $ $ Skip_FastVM: $ $! Turn on "all version" deletion and rename. This makes File.delete() and $! File.rename() operate on all versions of a file $ define JAVA$DELETE_ALL_VERSIONS true $ define JAVA$RENAME_ALL_VERSIONS true $ define JAVA$CREATE_DIR_WITH_OWNER_DELETE true $ define JAVA$READDIR_CASE_DISABLE true $ define JAVA$DISABLE_MULTIDOT_DIRECTORY_STAT true $ define JAVA$CACHING_INTERVAL 120 $ if f$trnlnm("NETBEANS$KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEC") .EQS. "1" $ then $ define JAVA$KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEC true $ endif $! $! For debugging, define this logical to have the JVM show you the files it is $! opening $! $! define JAVA$SHOW_FILENAME_MAPPING 1 $! $ $! Enable unix-like file sharing $ define/job JAVA$FILE_OPEN_MODE 3 $ $! Now set up the JAVA file control bits $! $! Set file controls for ODS-5 $ JAVA$M_UNIX_AND_VMS = 8 $ JAVA$M_MULTI_DOT_KEEP_LAST = 1048576 $ option_string = JAVA$M_UNIX_AND_VMS +- JAVA$M_MULTI_DOT_KEEP_LAST $ define/job JAVA$FILENAME_CONTROLS 'option_string' $ $! Define the DECC logicals necessary to run NetBeans $ define DECC$ARGV_PARSE_STYLE ENABLE $ define DECC$EFS_CASE_PRESERVE ENABLE $ define DECC$POSIX_SEEK_STREAM_FILE ENABLE $ define DECC$EFS_CHARSET ENABLE $ define DECC$ENABLE_GETENV_CACHE ENABLE $ define DECC$FILE_PERMISSION_UNIX ENABLE $ $! Reset the define symbol back to what it was before we changed it $ if old_define .eqs. "" $ then $ delete/symbol/global define $ else $ define :== 'old_define_str' $ endif $ $! All done $ return $ $!***************************************************************************** $! * $! Change history: * $! * $! 04/02/2002 - (MWG) Don't document NETBEANS$HOME in -help. Fix a couple of * $! -help typos. * $! * $! 03/18/2002 - (MWG) Support for debugging NetBeans. Additional logicals * $! for DEC$ and JAVA$. * $! Bug fix for quota checking. * $! * $! 02/06/2002 - (MWG) Fixes to make global module installs work. * $! * $! 01/28/2002 - (MWG) Changes after tuning analysis: * $! Change initial and max heap...don't use up WSEXTENT. * $! Use default garbage collection algorithm. * $! Lower stack size for each thread.gorithm. * $! Enable DECC$enable_getenv_cache. * $! * $! 01/07/2002 - (MWG) Add support for using a configuration file. * $! The file is ideopenvms.cfg. * $! * $! 12/13/2001 - (MWG) Add NETBEANS$CLASSIC_VM logical. * $! Set initial heap depending on VM being used. * $! Set stacksize to 1m * $! Define JAVA$READDIR_CASE_DISABLE. * $! Support for NETBEANS$KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEC. * $! * $! 12/03/2001 - (MWG) Remove setting of properties for backup extension and * $! attributes filename. * $! Remove -Xmx setting to let FastVM figure it out. * $! Change settings for JAVA$ bits to reflect ODS-5 * $! support in the latest CRTL. * $! Define proper DECC$ logical for ODS-5 filename support. * $! * $! 11/13/2001 - (MWG) Implement -help as argument. * $! * $! 10/29/2001 - (MWG) Use nbuser33 as the default user directory. * $! * $! 09/24/2001 - (MWG) Find the proper JAVA setup file to execute. Make * $! Java 1.3.1 the default. * $! * $! 07/10/2001 - Added changes to support new behavior of updating the IDE. * $! The user can now elect to defer the installation of any down- * $! loaded modules until the next time the IDE is run. We now * $! check for this situation and if true, run the updater before * $! starting the IDE. * $! * $! 06/06/2001 - (MWG) Rework the creation of the classpath to use an arbitrary* $! number of symbols. * $! Make sure that all file specs are in lower case. * $! Change output messages to use the word IDE rather than * $! NetBeans so that the script can be used with Forte for Java. * $! * $! 05/23/2001 - Modify the check_quota routine to accept a reported value * $! argument. This is for the BYTLM quota for which f$getjpi() * $! returns the authorized quota minus any long-term allocated * $! memory. We can now check for a minimum value that is * $! different from the minimum value that the user sees when a * $! warning message is displayed. * $! * $! 05/17/2001 - Check to see if the JAVA$xxx_SETUP.COM of a different version * $! of Java has been executed by the user. If so, try to run the * $! associated JAVA$xxx_CANCEL procedure. If it can't be found, * $! tell the user they must run it themselves. * $! * $! 04/25/2001 - Moved "set process/parse=extended" from the setup_nb_env * $! subroutine so it is executed earlier. * $! * $! 04/04/2001 - Changed the logical JDK$HOME to NETBEANS$JDK_HOME and did * $! some minor cleanup. * $! * $! 03/28/2001 - Added test to check that the user directory resides on an * $! ODS-5 device. Added /nolog qualifier to the setup_nb_env * $! routine so we no longer get DCL warnings. * $! * $! 03/27/2001 - Fix three problems with the find_jars subroutine: * $! * $! 1) Entries being added to the classpath were being up-cased * $! due to missing "" around a parameter in a subroutine * $! call * $! * $! 2) ZIP file entries in the classpath were not being * $! converted to Unix format * $! * $! 3) File extensions in the classpath are now forced to lower * $! case. This is due to a Javac requirement. * $! * $! 03/20/2001 - A file is now created with the basic environment variables * $! required to run NetBeans (for now, just HOME) and the name of * $! this file is passed via the netbeans.osenv property. This was * $! necessary due to changes made to NetBeans for V3.2. * $! * $! 03/13/2001 - Added a subroutine to setup the Java environment for * $! NetBeans. * $! * $! 03/09/2001 - Removed the code which creates the user directory if it does * $! not exist since this is now done by the IDE. Due to this * $! change, the file containing the JVM command line arguments * $! was moved from the user directory to sys$scratch. * $! * $! JVM arguments were added to the command file to set the * $! refresh rates for the local and jar file systems. * $! * $! 03/08/2001 - Fixed a problem that was preventing the updater from running * $! and added a loop to restart the IDE after an update. * $! * $! 03/01/2001 - Added some quota checks and the ability to pass arguments on * $! the command line to the JVM and NetBeans. * $! * $! 02/23/2001 - The home directory of the JDK and the NetBeans kits can now * $! be defined with the logical names JDK$HOME and * $! NETBEANS$HOME respectively. * $! * $! 02/22/2001 - All JVM commands are now written to a file and the VM is * $! started with the "-V filname" switch. This change was made * $! to enable a classpath up to 2048 characters in length. * $! * $! The user directory is now determined in the following * $! sequence: * $! * $! 1) If an argument was entered on the command line, it is * $! assumed to be the user directory specification * $! * $! 2) If no argument was entered, the logical name * $! NETBEANS$USERS is checked. If this logical is defined, * $! its value is used as the root directory of where * $! the NetBeans user files are kept. To differentiate * $! this particular user, the current user's account name * $! is appended to the value of NETBEANS$USERS. * $! * $! 3) If neither of the above conditions is met, NBUSER is * $! appended to the value of SYS$LOGIN and that is used as * $! the user directory. * $! * $! 02/21/2001 - Reduced the initial and maximum heap size arguments to the VM * $! to force more frequent garbage collection. This is a work- * $! around to fix a VM assert error which cropped up in newer * $! NetBeans development builds. * $! * $!*****************************************************************************