import* class ThumbnailController { CacheService cacheService def index = { redirect(action: show) } private synchronized void writeFile(String url, String filepath, String thumbpath) { log.warn("Staring download on $url...") // def bg = new; // bg.getUrlToFile(url, filepath, thumbpath); // bg.shutdown(); def server = new XMLRPCServerProxy(grailsApplication.config.thumbnail.serviceurl) def list = server.getThumbnail(url) FileOutputStream big = new FileOutputStream(filepath) big << list[0] FileOutputStream small = new FileOutputStream(thumbpath) small << list[1] } private byte[] getFile(String id, boolean writeThumb) { "id is $id" BlogEntry entry = BlogEntry.get(id) def thumbsDir = grailsApplication.config.thumbnail.dir def thumbnail = "${thumbsDir}/${id}.jpg" def filepath = "${thumbsDir}/${id}-orig.jpg" "file path is $filepath" if (!(new File(thumbnail).exists())) { writeFile(, filepath, thumbnail) } else { "Already got that image in the cache..." } File file = writeThumb ? new File(thumbnail) : new File(filepath) byte[] b = file.readBytes() return b } private void writeImage(def response, byte[] b) { response.setContentType("image/jpeg") response.setContentLength(b.length) response.getOutputStream().write(b) } def show = { def id = // grab thumb bytes from cache if possible byte[] b = cacheService.getFromCache("thumbCache", 3600, "small-" + id) if (!b) { b = getFile(id, true) cacheService.putToCache("thumbCache", 3600, "small-" + id, b) } writeImage(response, b) } def showLarge = { def id = // grab thumb bytes from cache if possible byte[] b = cacheService.getFromCache("thumbCache", 3600, "big-" + id) if (!b) { b = getFile(id, false) cacheService.putToCache("thumbCache", 3600, "big-" + id, b) } writeImage(response, b) } def preview = { def url = params.url def tempThumbsDir = grailsApplication.config.thumbnail.tmpdir def thumbnail = "${tempThumbsDir}/" + url.encodeAsTempFile() + ".png" def filepath = "${tempThumbsDir}/" + url.encodeAsTempFile() + "-orig.png" def f = new File(thumbnail) if (!f.exists()) { writeFile(url, filepath, thumbnail) } byte[] b = f.readBytes() writeImage(response, b) } }