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Test Servers

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Name asc
Details Test Request (User)Product - Version - Build (ID)
qa-man-sol17 IDLE
linux Idle
04-23 20:35:37
qa-man-sol20 IDLE
solaris amd64 Idle
04-23 11:23:56
qa-man-xp1 TESTING windows xp Running tests.
04-23 10:32:12
Netbeans Dev daily (latest)
qa-man-xp4 IDLE
windows xp x64 Idle
04-23 11:22:55
qa-man-xp5 IDLE
windows xp Idle
04-23 11:19:48
qa-t4u-lin2 IDLE
linux Idle
04-23 11:21:42
qa-t4u-osx1 IDLE
macosx Idle
04-23 12:11:56
qa-t4u-sol1 IDLE
solaris sparc Idle
04-23 11:13:28
qa-t4u-sol2 IDLE
solaris sparc Idle
04-23 11:19:59
qa-t4u-sol3 IDLE
solaris intel Idle
04-23 11:21:43
qa-t4u-sol4 TESTING solaris intel Running tests.
04-23 08:54:08
Netbeans Dev daily (latest)
qa-t4u-w2k1 IDLE
windows 2000 Idle
04-23 11:24:40
wsqeb2 IDLE
Solaris Idle
04-23 12:22:06


Actual logged servers' states. A server can be in IDLE, WORKING, TESTING, RESERVED or ERROR state. All public servers can be reserved to manual testing or for manual reinstallation. If a server is in reserved state automated tests cannot be started there nor added in its queue. If you invoke Stop(Kill) action the server is restarted and its test4u binaries are reloaded from main server.

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