Results of Accessibility test, window with title "Element Navigation"

 Doesn't implement Accessible :
   - none.

 No Accessible name :
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
   Class: {  |  } 

 No Accessible description :
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  Cancel |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  OK |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox {  Don't show this dialog in the future (unless the SHIFT key is pressed) |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
   Class: {  |  } 
   Class: org.netbeans.modules.uml.ui.swing.commondialogs.JCenterDialog {  Element Navigation |  } 

 Label with LABEL_FOR not set :
   - none.

 Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it :
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
   Class: javax.swing.JTextArea {  |  } 
   Class: {  |  } 

 Components with no mnemonic :
   Class: javax.swing.JButton {  OK |  } 

 Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic):
   - none.

 Components not reachable with tab traversal :
   - none.