=============================================== Tested Window title : Auto Comment Tool - NewJFrame.java =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : - none. No Accessible description : - none. Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JList { Comment List | Comments of the selected method. } Class: javax.swing.JList { Method List | List of methods to be commented. } Components with no mnemonic : Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Declaring Class: | Declaring class. } Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Display classes and members with partial or erroneous Javadoc. } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Display classes and members without any Javadoc. } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Display compliant classes and members with full Javadoc. } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Package } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Private } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Protected } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Public } Components with potential mnemonics conflict: - components with mnemonic 'A' : Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Name: | Tag name. } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Name: | Tag name. } - components with mnemonic 'S' : Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Description: | Tag description. } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Description: | Tag description. } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Description: | Tag description. } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Description: | Tag description. } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Description: | Tag description. } Components not reachable with tab traversal : Class: javax.swing.JButton { Auto Correct | Automatically correct the selected comment. } Class: javax.swing.JButton { Help | Displays online help } Class: javax.swing.JButton { Refresh | Refresh this dialog box. } Class: javax.swing.JButton { View Source | View the source of the selected comment. } Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { Javadoc Comment Text | text/html } Class: javax.swing.JList { Comment List | Comments of the selected method. } Class: javax.swing.JList { Method List | List of methods to be commented. } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { Declaring Class | Declaring class. } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Display classes and members with partial or erroneous Javadoc. } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Display classes and members without any Javadoc. } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Display compliant classes and members with full Javadoc. } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Package } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Private } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Protected } Class: javax.swing.JToggleButton { | Public }