# # /etc/netbeans.conf - additional environment variables for netbeans # # some useful environment variables to enhance netbeans on OS X # Legend - # - information that changes from machine to machine or that # you must fill in # ... - subdirectories that are required by NetBeans but are # not pertinent to this file # user directory - this is where NetBeans stores information about # itself and the modules that are not globally saved. # default - "$HOME/.netbeans" (e. g. /Users//.netbeans/... # change and uncomment next line if desired #netbeans_default_userdir="" # default options - this holds the default startup options ## useful options to add or change ##===== Java options ======== ## "-J-Xmsnm" - set minimum JVM heap size to "n" MB of memory ## "-J-Xmxnm" - set maximum JVM heap size to "n" MB of memory ## "-J-ea" - enable assertions ## ##===== NetBeans specific options ======== ## (see http://www.netbeans.org/kb/using-netbeans/36/configuring.html ## for additional options suggested by NetBeans) ## ##===== Unofficial NetBeans options - USE ONLY WITH CARE! ===== ##----- Use may destablize NetBeans and should be removed bofore ##----- reporting bugs. ## "-J-Dnetbeans.popup.no_hack=true" May be helpful with multiple screens ## "-J-Dnetbeans.winsys.allow.dock.anywhere=true" Another multiple screen hack ## "-J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true" Writes logging output to console ## ##===== Apple-supplied properties ===== ## "-J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true" put menu at top of screen ## (see http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Java/Reference/ ## Java14SysProperties/Java14SysProperties.pdf ## for other Apple-defined properties) ##======================================================================= # default - "-J-Xms24m -J-Xmx160m -J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea" # which means: # minimum heap size - 24 MB # maximum heap size - 160 MB # NetBeans should log messages to the console - true # Enable assertions # # Example showing how to include lots of options. Change and uncomment # to use. (Backslash must be last character on all but last line.) #netbeans_default_options="-J-Xms256m \ # -J-Xmx512m \ # -J-ea \ # -J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true \ # -J-Dnetbeans.popup.no_hack=true \ # -J-Dnetbeans.winsys.allow.dock.anywhere=true \ # -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true \ # " # which means: # minimum heap size - 256 MB # maximum heap size - 512 MB # Enable assertions # NetBeans should log messages to the console - true # NetBeans should skip the popup hack # NetBeans should allow the user to dock a window anywhere # Apple JBM should move the menu to the bar at the top of the screen # For those using Maven withing NetBeans, tailor and uncomment the # following lines. #MAVEN_HOME=/Volumes/PB_Common/PB_Development/maven-1.0 #export MAVEN_HOME #PATH=$PATH:$MAVEN_HOME/bin #export PATH # emd of Maven support (do not uncomment this and following lines) # end of /etc/netbeans.conf