Have open SampleProject and you have focus in Project TAB. In the Explorer, Projecs TAB, right click the "SampleProject-XML|Source Packages|sample.new" folder and choose "New|File..." In the New File Wizard choose XML as "Categories:" and as "File Types:" select XML Document and click Next > button Name it XML-doc1 and click Next > button Select one of document type:
  • Well-formatted Document
  • DTD-Constrained Document
  • XML Schema-Constrained Document
Repeat this TestCase for all 3 document's types and name it with $No suffix 1, 2 or 3 In the Source Editor should be opened newly created XML-doc$No document
In the Explorer, right click any XML file node and choose "Edit". Edit the document (change, create and remove elements) and save document after each change. Close the editor. The XML document is opened in the Text Editor. In the Explorer, double click any XML file node The XML document must open in the Text Editor. And the text is properly colored. Open SampleProject-XML|Source Packages|sample|Books-II.xml document in the Text Editor. Put cursor somewhere into document and type the first few characters of an XML tag. Press Ctrl-spacebar, or pause after typing a portion of the XML tag. The code completion box is displayed. Choose one of the elements. Write up at least one book per the Completion. Close the editor. Context Sensitive Completion provides a scrolling list of valid tag names, attributes, or attribute values that can complete your XML tag. Attribute values are provided only if there is a finite set of possibilities. Open SampleProject-XML|Source Packages|sample|Books.xml document in the Text Editor. Right-click the editor window and choose Check XML. Delete '<' char from '<Product>' tag and Check XML again. Put the '<' char back, save document and close the output window. After each check message: 'XML Checking finished' and list of errors (if any) appear in the output window below the editor. Each error message serve as link to line with the error. Right-click the editor window and choose Validate XML. Add element <Producer/> before the element Product and save the document. Right-click the editor window and choose Validate XML. Remove the element Producer, save document and close the editor and output windows. After each validation message: 'XML Checking finished' and list of errors (if any) appear in the output window below the editor. Each error message serve as link to line with the error. In the Explorer, Projecs TAB, right click the "SampleProject-XML|Source Packages|sample.new" folder and choose "New|File..." In the New File Wizard choose XML as "Categories:" and as "File Types:" select DTD Entity and click Next > button Name it DTD-Entity The new document DTD-Entity is opened in the Text Editor. Open SampleProject-XML|Source Packages|sample|simpleDTD.dtd document in the Text Editor. The document is properly colored. In the Explorer, right click the SampleProject-XML|Source Packages|sample|simpleDTD.dtd document node and choose Edit. The simpleDTD.dtd is opened in the Text Editor. Right-click the editor window and choose Check DTD. Add element-declaration <!ELEMENT x (#PCDATA|ANY)+> before the element-declaration Books and save the document. Right-click the editor's window and choose Check DTD. Remove the element-declaration x, save document and close the editor and output windows. After each check message: 'XML Checking finished' and list of errors (if any) appear in the output window below the editor. Each error message serve as link to line with the error. In the Explorer, Projecs TAB, right click the "SampleProject-XML|Source Packages|sample.new" folder and choose "New|File..." In the New File Wizard choose XML as "Categories:" and as "File Types:" select Cascading Style Sheet and click Next > button Name it CSSdocument and click Finish button The new CSSdocument CascadingStyleSheet is opened in the Text Editor. Edit the document (change, creates and remove elements) and save document after each change. Close the editor The editor and Editor Coloring behave as expected. Open CSSdocument in the text editor. The document is properly colored. Open SampleProject-XML|Source Packages|sample|netbeans.css document in the Text Editor. Right-click the netbeans.css node in the Explorer and choose Check CSS. Duplicate 1st appearance of '{' char and Check CSS again. Remove the '{' char back, save document and close the output window. After each check message: 'CSS Checking finished' and list of errors (if any) appear in the output window below the editor. Each error message serve as link to line with the error. Right click the CSSdocument node in the Explorer and choose Copy XML Style Paste the style in a XML document Processing instruction like this is pasted in the XML document:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="http://.../CascadeStyleSheet.css" ?>
Right click the CSSdocument node in the Explorer and choose Copy HTML Style Paste the style in a HTML document. Processing instruction like this is pasted in the HTML document:
< link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" href="http://.../CascadeStyleSheet.css" media="screen" >