Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner (v0.4.4) Usage grunt [options] [task [task ...]] Options --help, -h Display this help text. --base Specify an alternate base path. By default, all file paths are relative to the Gruntfile. (grunt.file.setBase) * --no-color Disable colored output. --gruntfile Specify an alternate Gruntfile. By default, grunt looks in the current or parent directories for the nearest Gruntfile.js or file. --debug, -d Enable debugging mode for tasks that support it. --stack Print a stack trace when exiting with a warning or fatal error. --force, -f A way to force your way past warnings. Want a suggestion? Don't use this option, fix your code. --tasks Additional directory paths to scan for task and "extra" files. (grunt.loadTasks) * --npm Npm-installed grunt plugins to scan for task and "extra" files. (grunt.loadNpmTasks) * --no-write Disable writing files (dry run). --verbose, -v Verbose mode. A lot more information output. --version, -V Print the grunt version. Combine with --verbose for more info. --completion Output shell auto-completion rules. See the grunt-cli documentation for more information. Options marked with * have methods exposed via the grunt API and should instead be specified inside the Gruntfile wherever possible. Available tasks usebanner Adds a banner or a footer to a file * clean Clean files and folders. * concat Concatenate files. * connect Start a connect web server. * copy Copy files. * csslint Lint CSS files with csslint * cssmin Minify CSS * jade Compile jade templates. * jshint Validate files with JSHint. * less Compile LESS files to CSS * qunit Run QUnit unit tests in a headless PhantomJS instance. * uglify Minify files with UglifyJS. * watch Run predefined tasks whenever watched files change. csscomb Sorting CSS properties in specific order. * exec Execute shell commands. * validation HTML W3C validation. * jekyll This triggers the `jekyll` command. * jscs JavaScript Code Style checker * saucelabs-jasmine Run Jasmine test cases using Sauce Labs browsers * saucelabs-qunit Run Qunit test cases using Sauce Labs browsers * saucelabs-yui Run YUI test cases using Sauce Labs browsers * saucelabs-mocha Run Mocha test cases using Sauce Labs browsers * sed Search and replace. * validate-html Alias for "jekyll", "validation" tasks. test Alias for "dist-css", "csslint", "jshint", "jscs", "qunit", "build-customizer-html", "validate-html" tasks. dist-js Alias for "concat", "uglify" tasks. dist-css Alias for "less", "cssmin", "csscomb", "usebanner" tasks. dist-docs Alias for "copy:docs" task. dist Alias for "clean:dist", "dist-css", "dist-js", "dist-docs" tasks. default Alias for "dist", "build-customizer" tasks. docs Alias for "jekyll", "dist-docs" tasks. change-version-number Alias for "sed" task. build-customizer Alias for "build-customizer-html", "build-raw-files" tasks. build-customizer-html Alias for "jade" task. build-raw-files Add scripts/less files to customizer. update-shrinkwrap Alias for "exec:npmUpdate", "exec:npmShrinkWrap", "rinkwrap" tasks. rinkwrap Custom task. Tasks run in the order specified. Arguments may be passed to tasks that accept them by using colons, like "lint:files". Tasks marked with * are "multi tasks" and will iterate over all sub-targets if no argument is specified. The list of available tasks may change based on tasks directories or grunt plugins specified in the Gruntfile or via command-line options. For more information, see