INFO [org.netbeans.lib.profiler.infolog]: >>> Generated settings for server startup - direct attach (blocking): ProfilerServerSettings [ javaPlatform: JDK 1.8 (Default) jvmarg: -agentpath:"C:\Program Files\NetBeans Dev 201401200001\profiler\lib\deployed\jdk16\windows-amd64\profilerinterface.dll=C:\Program Files\NetBeans Dev 201401200001\profiler\lib",5140 -Dnbprofiler.agentid=1801544424 env: ] *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:30:21 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy0, ldr = 0 not found anywhere *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:30:21 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy5, ldr = 0 not found anywhere *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:30:21 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy7, ldr = 0 not found anywhere *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:30:23 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy14, ldr = 0 not found anywhere *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:30:24 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy16, ldr = 0 not found anywhere *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:32:20 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy161, ldr = 0 not found anywhere *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:32:30 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy168, ldr = 0 not found anywhere INFO [glassfish]: GlassFish configuration file C:\Users\jskrivanek\GlassFish_Server\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml was modified, updating server configuration. WARNING []: unrecognized Java spec version: 1.8 *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:32:37 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy171, ldr = 0 not found anywhere *** Profiler warning (Tue Jan 21 13:32:56 CET 2014): class com/sun/proxy/$Proxy173, ldr = 0 not found anywhere INFO [glassfish]: GlassFish configuration file C:\Users\jskrivanek\GlassFish_Server\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml was modified, updating server configuration. WARNING [org.netbeans.core.TimableEventQueue]: too much time in AWT thread org.netbeans.modules.sampler.InternalSampler@28925cc9 WARNING [org.netbeans.modules.profiler.NetBeansProfiler]: IDEAppStatusHandler - warning: Target JVM inactive *** Profiler error (Tue Jan 21 13:34:54 CET 2014): exception while trying to get response from the target JVM: Connection reset INFO [org.netbeans.lib.profiler.infolog]: Target JVM inactive