220 ftp.websupport.sk USER moldamil.sk 331 Password required for moldamil.sk PASS ****** 230 Vitajte na ftp websupport.sk moldamil.sk. TYPE I 200 Type set to I CWD /sub/testFtp 250 CWD command successful PWD 257 "/sub/testFtp" is the current directory CWD /sub/testFtp 250 CWD command successful PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (37,9,168,19,116,72). STOR index.php.new 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for index.php.new 226 Transfer complete RNFR index.php.new 350 File or directory exists, ready for destination name RNTO index.php 250 Rename successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 200 NOOP command successful NOOP 421 No transfer timeout (600 seconds): closing control connection QUIT Keep-alive failed for server moldamil.sk (unknown reason).