@@ -, +, @@ MY_IGNORE_PATTERNS = [ /\/rspec-[^\/]*\/lib\/spec\//, /\/spork-[^\/]*\/lib\/spork\//, /\/lib\/ruby\//, /bin\/spec:/, /bin\/spork:/, /bin\/rcov:/, /lib\/rspec-rails/, /vendor\/rails/, /Ruby\.tmbundle\/Support\/tmruby.rb:/, /RSpec\.tmbundle\/Support\/lib/, /temp_textmate\./, /mock_frameworks\/rspec/, /spec_server/ ] def initialize(*patterns) super ignore_patterns(*patterns) end def ignore_patterns(*patterns) @ignore_patterns += patterns.flatten.map { |pattern| Regexp.new(pattern) } end def ignored_patterns MY_IGNORE_PATTERNS + @ignore_patterns end # default example groups that should be excluded from test results EXCLUDE = ["Spec::Rails::Example::ViewExampleGroup", "Spec::Rails::Example::HelperExampleGroup", "Spec::Rails::Example::ControllerExampleGroup", "Spec::Rails::Example::FunctionalExampleGroup", "Spec::Rails::Example::ModelExampleGroup", "Spec::Rails::Example::RailsExampleGroup", "Spec::Rails::Example::RoutingExampleGroup", "ActionController::IntegrationTest", "ActionController::TestCase", "ActionView::TestCase", "ActiveSupport::TestCase", "ActiveRecord::TestCase", "ActionMailer::TestCase"] def initialize(options, args) super(options) end def load_files(files) super(files) end def self.is_1_2_7_or_newer if Spec::VERSION::MAJOR == 1 Spec::VERSION::MINOR >= 3 || (Spec::VERSION::MINOR >= 2 && Spec::VERSION::TINY >= 7) else Spec::VERSION::MAJOR >= 2 end end def run prepare success = true if @options.line_number && !NbRspecMediator.is_1_2_7_or_newer # NbSpecParser not needed for >= 1.2.7 @spec_parser = NbSpecParser.create(@options) @spec_parser.spec_name_for(@options.files[0], @options.line_number) end overall_start_time = Time.now example_groups.each do |example_group| next if exclude?(example_group) # see IZ 172141 - skip EGs w/o examples next unless example_group.number_of_examples > 0 example_group_start_time = Time.now puts "%RSPEC_SUITE_STARTING% #{example_group.description}" success = success & run_example_group(example_group) elapsed_time = Time.now - example_group_start_time puts "%RSPEC_SUITE_FINISHED% #{example_group.description} time=#{elapsed_time}" end @duration = Time.now - overall_start_time return success ensure reporter.duration = @duration finish end private def run_example_group(example_group) # in rspec 1.1.12 the run method requires options as an arg run_method = example_group.method(:run) run_method.arity > 0 ? run_method.call(@options) : run_method.call end def exclude?(example_group) if (@spec_parser != nil && example_group.description != @spec_parser.example_group_description) return true end EXCLUDE.include?(example_group.name) end protected def reporter if @reporter.nil? @reporter = Reporter.new(@options) end @reporter end attr_accessor :duration def duration @duration end def example_started(example) start_timer puts "%RSPEC_TEST_STARTED% #{description(example)}" super end def example_failed(example, error) report_failure(example, error) super end alias_method :failure, :example_failed private def report_failure(example, error) GoodTweaker.new.tweak_backtrace(error) # puts error.backtrace.join('\n') # backtrace_tweaker.tweak_backtrace(error) puts error.backtrace.to_a error_msg = error.message != nil ? error.message : "" puts "%RSPEC_TEST_FAILED% file=#{location(example)} description=#{description(example)} time=#{elapsed_time} message=#{error_msg.to_s.gsub($/, " ")} location=#{error.backtrace[0]}" end def example_passed(example) puts "%RSPEC_TEST_FINISHED% file=#{location(example)} description=#{description(example)} time=#{elapsed_time}" super end # need to use varargs since rspec 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 have different number of params def example_pending(*args) msg = "Not Yet Implemented" if args.size == 3 && args[2] == nil args[2] = msg elsif args.size == 2 && args[1] == nil args[1] = msg end case args[1] when String # 1.1.4 puts "%RSPEC_TEST_PENDING% file=#{location(args[0])} description=#{description(args[0])} time=#{elapsed_time} message=#{description(args[1])}" else # 1.1.3 or older puts "%RSPEC_TEST_PENDING% file=#{location(args[1])} description=#{description(args[1])} time=#{elapsed_time} message=#{args[2]}" end end def start_timer @start_time = Time.now end def elapsed_time Time.now - @start_time end def location(example) location = nil backtrace = backtrace(example) if (backtrace != nil and backtrace.length > 0) location = backtrace[0] end location || '' end def backtrace(example) # 'implementation_backtrace' is deprecated in > 1.1.11, replaced with 'backtrace' which in turn # is deprecated in 1.2 and replaced with 'location' if (example.respond_to?(:location)) return [example.location] # location is a string elsif (example.respond_to?(:backtrace)) return example.backtrace elsif (example.respond_to?(:implementation_backtrace)) return example.implementation_backtrace end nil end # returns the description for the given example # see IZ156839 - in edge rspec the given example is a string def description(example) example.respond_to?(:description) ? example.description : example end Spec::Runner::SpecParser else Spec::Runner::LineNumberQuery end attr_reader :example_group_description, :example_description def self.create(options) # not possible to check arity for init, hence this method # rspec 1.2 requires options, older versions don't begin return NbSpecParser.new(options) rescue ArgumentError return NbSpecParser.new end end def spec_name_for(file, line_number) best_match.clear file = File.expand_path(file) example_groups = safe_get_options.example_groups.reject do |example_group| NbRspecMediator::EXCLUDE.include?(example_group.name) end example_groups.each do |example_group| if self.respond_to?(:consider_example_group_for_best_match) consider_example_group_for_best_match example_group, file, line_number else consider_example_groups_for_best_match example_group, file, line_number end example_group.examples.each do |example| consider_example_for_best_match example, example_group, file, line_number end end if best_match[:example_group] @example_group_description = best_match[:example_group].description if best_match[:example] @example_description = best_match[:example].description "#{best_match[:example_group].description} #{best_match[:example].description}" else best_match[:example_group].description end else nil end end def safe_get_options # there's no 'rspec_options' method in rspec 1.1.11 respond_to?(:rspec_options, true) ? rspec_options : Spec::Runner.options end