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Bug 239276

Summary: Support Filtering and multiple single revisons in Merges
Product: versioncontrol Reporter: tomzi <tomzi>
Component: SubversionAssignee: Ondrej Vrabec <ovrabec>
Status: NEW ---    
Severity: normal    
Priority: P3    
Version: 7.4   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Linux   
Issue Type: ENHANCEMENT Exception Reporter:

Description tomzi 2013-12-09 15:18:39 UTC
It would be very usefull to be able to merge several single revisions single in one merge.

When we develop a userstory, we always attach to each svn commit message the user story number, eg '[US 1234] Feature xxx'. This would be developed in Branch 'Release 4'. At the end of an developing process all the changes made in 'Release 4' for user story '[US 1234]' should be merged into the trunk. 

a) I need to 'Search History' for '[US 1234]' This could return a list of revision like: 1001, 1034, 1156, 1245, 1246, 1249
b) Open 'merge' for each Revision in the list returned in a) 
    and type in Start revision: 1001, End revision: 1001
    then merge Start revision: 1034, End revision: 1034
    then merge Start revision: 1156, End revision: 1156
    then merge Start revision: 1245, End revision: 1246
    then merge Start revision: 1249, End revision: 1249

This is very tedious as you can imagine

It would make sense to open the merge dialogue and be able to search for 'commit message', 'user', ... as in 'Search History' and from there to be able to use 'multiple select' to merge single revisions. Thus in the final dialogue instead of showing
Start revision: [      ] [Search] [Browse]
End revision: [     ] [Search] [Browse]

it would show:
Revsions: [1001, 1034, 1156, 1245, 1246, 1249] [Search] [Browse]

This would immenly help when merging multiple revisions in a 'user story' driven development

Product Version = NetBeans IDE 7.4 (Build 201310111528)
Operating System = Linux version 3.8.0-32-generic running on amd64
Java; VM; Vendor = 1.7.0_45
Runtime = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.45-b08