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Bug 166942

Summary: Dialogs appear off the screen
Product: platform Reporter: zian <zian>
Component: Dialogs&WizardsAssignee: Jiri Rechtacek <jrechtacek>
Severity: blocker Keywords: DUAL_MONITOR
Priority: P3    
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description zian 2009-06-11 20:58:15 UTC
When NetBeans is used on a display setup with a smaller screen resolution than the last time the program was run, then 
the dialogs may appear off the screen. There is no way to get them back on the screen; the dialog does not appear in 
the taskbar.

Steps to Repro:
First, set things up in a high-resolution envrionment such as a multimonitor setup:
1. Plug in more than 1 monitor
2. Start NetBeans
3. Open a Java project
4. Right-click on the project and click on Project Properties
5. Drag the Project Properties window to the another monitor.

Now, close NetBeans and unplug a screen. Reboot the computer if necessary.

Finally, try to bring up the same dialog box.
1. Start NetBeans
2. Open a Java project
3. Right-click on the project and click on Project Properties

The dialog will not appear.
Comment 1 Jiri Rechtacek 2009-06-12 09:14:58 UTC
Could you describe your configuration? Which OS, which Java version? Thanks
Comment 2 zian 2009-06-12 20:23:18 UTC
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit
Java version: 1.6.13

My left screen is 1280x1024 and the right screen is 1680x1050. Both are attached to a ThinkPad with a screen of 
1440x900 and so, my exact circumstances were:
1. Dock and use NetBeans with the external screens.
2. Undock and (try to) use NetBeans with only the built-in screen.
Comment 3 Jiri Rechtacek 2009-11-04 14:43:03 UTC
I guess after fix the issue 174045 this problem should be also fixed. Could you verify it in some recent NB6.8 build (or
NB6.8 Beta)? Thanks